• SAP R / 3 Sync project setup fails --> NOT_AUTHORIZED


    We are currently preparing to go live with version 8.0.3.
    We test all interfaces and in the case of the sync project for SAP R / 3 we came across a new error that has not yet occurred.

    When setting up the SAP Sync project, we use the same service…

  • Sync Editor - Error creating a Sync Project for Exchange 2016

    Hello everybody,
    we use version 8.0.3. We are currently preparing for the CutOver.

    As part of this testing of the last implementation of all the necessary steps, no sync project for Exchange 2016 can currently be created. We get the following error message…

  • How to Synchronize Active Directory and Azure with 4 different domains of Active Directory and AzureAD to OneIM out of them 1 AD and 1 Azure tenant is already connected to oneIM.


    I have a requirement to manage multiple domains of AzureAD and Active Directory from One IM.

    I feel this is a normal Use-case and I feel product support this.

    Need help in understanding below:

    • I have to synchronize only few limited User Account object…
  • Synchronization template for SCIM not available


    We are setting up a Synchronization porject in order to connect to a SCIM Interface, we are followinf the guide at :


  • ADHoc Projection for Person to target


    Can anyone tell me where I can get an example of a process orchestration for ADHoc Projection from Person to a target system?

    I create a sync project to a sql table and that is working fine for the start up configurations.

    I need to now create…