• How to Synchronize Active Directory and Azure with 4 different domains of Active Directory and AzureAD to OneIM out of them 1 AD and 1 Azure tenant is already connected to oneIM.


    I have a requirement to manage multiple domains of AzureAD and Active Directory from One IM.

    I feel this is a normal Use-case and I feel product support this.

    Need help in understanding below:

    • I have to synchronize only few limited User Account object…
  • Not Able to delete Outstanding Object from AADUser because of O3EmailUser table object reference IM 8.0.2

    I have created a Process which calls method 'DeleteOutstanding'   for some selected objects of AADuser table which are having Xmarkedfordeletion=2 (Outstanding).

    These objects also have a reference in O3EmailUser table. Not sure why but system throws…

  • Syncronising to Exchange 2019

    I want to know if I can create Synchronisation projects with Exchange 2019. I'm using version 8.0. I've installed the Exchange module and I can see in Create New Synchronisation Project that there is only an option for 2010, 2013 and 2016. Perhaps I can…

  • Full AD synchronization getting failed, while Delta sync works fine.

    Hi , 

    I do not get any error while running Delta synchronization , while getting error on running full synchronization for AD target system.

    Error details are as below -

    ErrorMessages = (2019-10-23 16:36:32.500) [2134003] Error executing synchronization…

  • Error generating process step Call Script VI_UnsAccount_Ident_UNSRoot_Event


    I wrote script for add user to Oracle Database. 

    I created process (Insert Event to UNSAccountB table) for create the user. 

    When I create user in Manager, I got error: 

    Got exception during generation of chain 'VI_UnsAccountB_Generic': Error generating…

  • AD Sync based on group membership assignment

    Hi Experts

    I am trying to achieve some sync task however not sure what is the best solution. the task is - 

    If any group membership missing in AD however the membership present in IAM, during the sync the action should be 

    • If the membership in Identity…
  • Unable to insert record in Oracle target system from Synchronization editor

    Hello All,

    I have created a project in Synchronization editor to do access provisioning for Oracle database type application using Native database connector(Oracle Database).  There is a column in the oracle database table which will auto increment on…

  • Synchronization... Two questions

    1. Is there a way to synchronize select individuals from AD? 

    2. We are migrating from 6.4 to 8 and currently use Quickconnect to sync passwords to a non ad connected system. Can we continue to count on that ability using the agents? Or is there another…

  • SCIM PersonAutoFullSync SEARCH Criteria non available under Universal Cloud Interface - scimscimBasic configuration data


    We are Synchronizing a SCIM target System, but we can't find the option for defining search criteria for employee assignment as could be seen in the image attacched.

    Which could be the problem?

    Thanks in advance

  • Error while running synchronization (after upgrading from 7.0.3 to 8.1)


    After upgrading the OneIM from 7.0.3 to 8.1 version, when AD sync run getting the following error.

    ErrorMessages (2019-07-11 19:34:59.940) [2134003] Error executing synchronization.
    [1777018] Error executing synchronization project (Active Directory…

  • Provisioning an unexpected value in attribute Mail of AD

    Hello experts,


    1IM is provisioning the “Mail” attribute of some AD accounts as blank (“”) when this should be Person.CCC_email and we cannot explain why this is happening despite Person.CCC_email being always filled.

    We have…

  • Is there an audit report for Object Changes besides History Database or Time Trace?

    Hello Experts,

    Our Audit department has asked for a report that shows when a user account has any changes done to it.  They are needing the details as to What, When, by whom(the Change auditor shows just the sa account)  they need which user made the change…

  • Job Service / Problems Could not decode parameter AuthenticationString


    we currently have a problem with the JobService or sync projects, e.g.  the project for Active Directory in One Identity as well as with SAP and CSV Imports in Version 8.0.2. 

    Shortly after starting the initial synchronization in the sychronization…

  • AdhocProjection works for Insert but not for Delete

    I have a custom process on UNSAccountBinUNSGroupB that calls and runs Sync project workflow.

    It works for Insert event.

    I have another workflow for deletion with the same mapping just processing is set to just delete in target system.

    I run the Process…

  • Is there a way to Limit OneIM to use only Child Domain for GC Query instead of Parent?

    Hello Experts,

    We have been having a weird issue with our OneIM version 8.0.1.  We have multiple domains and 2 of the 3 domains are working with no errors.  One of the Domain we have is having all kinds of issues.  The difference is the 2 working domains…

  • DPRProjectionStartInfo_Synchronization running for over 24 Hours

    Hello All,

    i have an issue with a Sync Process that has been running over 24 hours now.  Its our nightly sync from AD to OneIM.  we have it scheduled to run at night to bring in changes from one of our domain that is not managed thru oneIM.  i now have jobs…

  • ADS_ADSGroup_Update Failing on some of the groups in one particular domain with Error.

    We are getting jobs frozen when updating ADS Groups in One of the domain.  We have 3 domains in OneIM... two of them have no issues provisioning any changes.  One domain is having issues on ADS_ADSGroup_Update and sometimes on ADS_ADSGroup_Insert.  below…

  • RBAC for Exchange


    My Exchange team is trying to use granular permissions for Exchange.

    When trying to give just enable-mailbox and set-mailbox we get some additional errors.

    We are trying to use some trimmed RBAC roles in combination with the One Identity Manager…

  • One Identity Manager - Active Directory Synchronisation

    Novice on the tool, I need help with the synchronization of the active directory and one identity manager.
    After installing, and trying to sync, the information on my active directory is not the same as that of one identity manager.

  • Full Sync Problems wih SAP

    We have noticed that we have a problem with the synchronization with SAP.
    Due to several errors, we took a closer look at the log and discovered the following message:

    "Process task FullSync failed"

    However, the job VI_SAP_SAPMandant_FullSync…

  • SAP Sync Problems - Process task FullSync Failed


    we are running Quest One Identity Manager in version 6.1.3 in our productive environment.
    Due to several errors with SAP, we checked the logs for errors and found that the following message appears there.

        Start processing object class …
  • Getting error in AD synchronization


    I am trying to run AD sync and in the configuration, I have One IM connection via App server (configured in synchronization editor in AD project). When I run the sync, application server throws below error

    2019-01-30 15:10:09.3725 ERROR (ObjectLog…

  • Departments not created during synchronization


    We have set up synchronization project with authoritative HR Source to create Departments in 1IM.
    When we run synchronization, it shows that 288 Inserts are done.But in fact there are no new Department objects appearing in the OIM database.

    We have…

  • AD group membership not being applied to the target

    AD group membership when assigned directly, or through inheritance, is not assigned to the actual AD.

    In some cases, even the membership can be seen for the ADSAccount object, but it is not seen in AD.

    However, any changes to an AD account is immediately…

  • Integrating Cloud Access Manager with Identity Manager


    we would like to integrate Cloud Access Manager 8.1.4 with identity Manager 8.0.2. We know you can integrate IDM Portal in the CAM, but we would like to populate CAM with application and users data from IDM. And passably read the data back to IDM…