• Cannot load all data from the collection (personwantsorg)


    I want to load a collection (PersonWantsOrg) in Web Portal. I have put loading collection in Initializer part. The collection is loaded successfully but the collection shows just data of user who entered the web portal. There is no any condition…

  • How to remove passcode from the Webportal.

    Hi All ,

    Have an issue where the manager can see the passcode set option for his employees. This does not have any functionality and does not do anything. But where can this be configured to be removed from the Webportal ?



  • Prevent selection of first row in gridband

    Hello Community,

    how can i prevent that when loading a gridband the first row is always selected automatically if the row selection mode is set to single row selection?
    Is there a parameter or something similar?

    Configuration Gridband:



  • Hidden field in the web portal product details

    Hi everyone,

    I've configured the web portal to show the description of an item when you are on the catalogue. I've added the column and inserted the query to get the data from the product but it has a strange behavior, the field is not shown when…

  • "You can request delegation for these employees" configuration is set to IsInActive=0 however still able to delegate approvals to these inactive employees


    I want to have all inactive employees as much wiped from the web portal as possible, especially for delegation. Currently can still search in the web portal and find all inactive employees which would like to also remove and keep it just in the One…

  • WebPortal filter for Department and SQL Injection on v8.1.4

    hi there!

    Recently we migrated from v8.0.2 to 8.1.4 and we started to see issues in WebPortal related to SQL Injection.

    The component in which we have the SQL injection issue, have a filter to load Departments entries that belong to a specific "branch…

  • Web Designer. How to concatenate text from multiple rows of collection into a single property ShoppingCartItem?


    1IM 8.1.2. 

    I filled custom collection values and I need concatenate text from multiple rows of the collection into a single property ShoppingCartItem.

    For example 

    Custom collection:







  • One Idenity Manager On Demand 8.1.4 - WebPortal - Automatic language change from Designer template

    Hi all!

    In the Designer we have configured the Employees' default mail address with a Formatting Script that throw an error when the input mail is not in a correct format. Actually the error message is in our native language (IT), but we have the necessity…

  • Grid header / view settings / additional columns

    I defined two grids by using web designer.
    A grid shows objects from the ESet table. The other grid shows objects from the view Org.
    Both grids and gridbands are configured the same.
    View in browser (Chrome): in the grid header for the grid that displays…

  • Load stored PDF in Web Designer

    Hello everyone!

    We have one particular problem in our One identity environment 8.1. All editions that we make into our custom report for an attestation case don't apply to the report on a web portal.

    When I use Report editor I can see that all my…

  • Fetch Todays System date In Web Designer. By Default.

    Hi Everyone,

    We have a requirement while creating a new contractor manually from the IT shop, Joining Date should be automatically populated as the current date,
    so that users cannot select the previous date, and in the case of leaving date, past dates…

  • On certain events I want the page in ITShop to scroll to the top or to the bottom of the page, what would be the best way to accomplish this?

    I have some pages where I have listed product categories in tree views on top of the page and the data grids on the bottom of the page showing account products in relevant selected categories.

    When user clicks on any category I want the page to scroll…

  • Web Portal - How to Upload File and link it to an employee


    I know (more or less) how to allow the upload of files when a user is logged into the web portal (I achieved it thanks the upload node in the web designer), but it seems there are no link with the person who uploaded the file, am I right? Is there…

  • date placeholder & readonly

    Hello everyone,

    Since the 8.1, date are now writable for an entitlement request by the user directly while before it was mandatory to use the calendar.

    We have done the migration from 8.0.1 to 8.1.4 and the customer wants the previous behavior.

    He request…

  • How to break line in property value of web designer

    Hey everyone,

    We have migrated our platform from 8.0.1 to the latest version 8.1.4 in our UAT environment.

    There are some modification on the web interface which are not accepted by the customer UAT.

    One of our "issue" is about a break line which were…

  • Change person lable in My profile on Web portal

    Hi, how to change person lable in overview (My profile)  - delete Title name, in web designer

    Now its looks like - SecondName, Title Firstname (CentralAccount)

    I need - SecondName Firstname (CentralAccount)

  • Designer - Fast way to publish web project changes?

    Hello, i'm wondering - is there any solid way to publish my web project changes to web applications without concerns of them not to be published right away?

    How i'm doing it now:

    1. Do some changes, place some visible label with increased version…

  • How to hide menu Open filter wizard from View settings in grid band

    Hello All.

    Is it possible to remove "Open filter Wizard" option from view settings. If yes then could you please let me know how.

    Thank you.

    Kind Regards,


  • Data not loading in collection.

    Hello All,

    I am facing situation where data in collection is not loading.

    Logged in user has application role CCC_TargetsystemReadOnly which has all requied permissions on table.

    I have collection and this collection is bound to grid and data is loded…

  • Hide button

    How to hide the button "Calls" of Web Portal page?

  • why a user can connect to the web only after iisreset?

    The user couldn't connect to the web and get always the exception:

    "Beim Ausführen der Formularmethode F0_ctl00_Main_Main_ControlRef1_Button1_Method ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Object reference not set to an instance of an object" 

  • How to export a web portal from one environment to another

    We have configured the web portal with all the customizations and we need to take it to another environment, what step must be taken to make this change?

  • 1IM 8.1.2: More than 8000 Localities in one layer: Object Selection failing

    We've got a huge, but plain list of Localities (no hierarchy). It contains way more than 10.000 entries. 

    We've come accross the issue that in the Web, the standard component VI_ObjectCollection_Hierarchical is used to select a Locality. But that…

  • 1IM 8.1.2: Column-Dependent configuration for Limited Value fields not working?

    We have just migrated to V8.1.2 (from V7) and I now have to add a new functionality to the WebUI that requires the usage of a custom web component to edit a custom field in Person which uses a list of limited values.

    For some reason, no matter what I enter…

  • Customized page error after upgrade from 7.1.6 to 8.1.3


    Our OneIM on UAT environment just got upgraded from 7.1.6 to 8.1.3 with database upgraded via configuration wizard.

    Everything was fine except 3 customized web pages.

    The app server as well as web portal has been uninstalled and then re-installed…