• Error occurs when checking report from web portal


    we have created custom report of system role and input parameter required is UID_Eset and for the web portal we have created custom page to select UID_Eset and display this report. We are able to select and view this report in Manager tool but in…

  • How to display profile picture of user on home page of web portal and in search user option


    I can see user icon on top right corner of web portal home page. How can we display profile picture of user here? And when we search any user, how can we have user's picture on the page where we see his details?

  • How can we allow any user to raise a request for any other user?


    We tried to explore in backend where the condition is set and so only Managers are able to select his subordinates and raise a request for them but we couldnt find it. How is this condition set and how can we change it/ remove such condition so that…

  • Web SSO - v802

    Trying to test SSO connectivity after upgrading to v8.0.2. Made the following changes

    - Authn module - Active directory user account (role based)

    - Updated the QER\WebPortal\BaseURL

    Below is the error i see in the logs

    2018-12-11 09:45:41.2555  INFO ( 

  • How to create custom help pages in web designer for web portal?


    we tried to export the OOTB help page to update the logo. After updating it externally we again imported it and published it but it didnt work. How can we create/update the pages? we referred below link


  • Unable to establish WCF connection in Web Designer where Web Portal is hosted on LB.

    We have our Web Portal on  Load Balancer and we are unable to establish WCF connection  in Web Designer. Please suggest how we can establish the connection.

  • Webportal shows english for how long ago a order was placed


    We have the portal installed with Norwegian language and that works fine except for the information about how long ago an order was places. It show X minutes ago, X hours ago ... on the request history overview. I have not found any translatable text…

  • How to add form for bulk edit property in Web Portal

    Hello, I need to add the ability to bulk edit entrydate and exitdate for employees by their manager. 
    I'm trying to do this with a custom form VI_Employee_Overview. B
    ut I do not have enough development experience to understand whether there is a possibility…
  • [WebDesigner] Limit the items available in a filter pop-up in a Grid


    We're using simple Grids to display data to our user. These grids' columns are defined using a "Property list" parameter, and some of these columns are FK, for example to Localities or Departments.

    When opening the filtering…

  • Column adjustable functionality in web portal

    Can we implement a flexible grid (column management) functionality, with the following options:

    • Possibility to drag and drop columns and move them from the right side to any other place;
    • Possibility to add columns before the “Justification” column in…
  • Web Designer - Collection with data from multiple tables

    Wanting to create a collection that will hold data from multiple tables.  Saw the following type of collection "Database objects from multiple tables", but was not sure how to use it.  Can anyone enlighten?  We are using version 7.1.2.

  • How to show custom column in web portal?


    I am using version 8.0 and want to show custom column of Person table in web portal. I checked below post


    but could not understand…

  • Disable new report option from end user in web portal.

    Hi All,


    Need quick help, if we want to restrict all users and allow only some of admin to create new report in web portal under reports, how can we achieve same?

    oneIM v8 STD.

    Thanks and Regards.

  • QPM integration in 1IM Portal

    Hi experts,


    We are trying to enable the area of “My Password” inside the 1IM web portal, but when done and we click on “Manage My Passwords” the following error is displayed: (See capture.png attached).



    When clicking on “Open…

  • How to customize the request visibility in ITshop


    I want to customize the request visibility in ITshop. Right now, there is Compliance tab in which only the Rule name and the risk index is visible if any request is violating any compliance rule. Now, I want the "Description" field available for the…

  • How to create custom execution step once the request is approved in ITshop



    I want to create a custom execution step for the resource once the request is approved. I need to pass the parameters(request properties) in my request and need to use those parameters in actual execution on the target system. Can someone please…

  • Web Designer Main Menu v8 html proper nesting?

    Hi all,


    I am trying to customize the layout according to client's brand manual. However, the html output does not help a lot.

    Current output is as such:

    [ Current output ]
    // Main Menu level 1 starts here
    <ul id="F0_..." kendo-menu ... class="k-widget…

  • Web Designer: The form has been deactivated and is no longer available

    Hi Experts,

    We found that approvers for attestations were getting error messages after making decisions.

    Is there any reason why this error appears or a useful tip in resolving the problem?


    Thank you



  • Using dynamic foreign key in Web Designer

    Looking for an example on how dynamic foreign key can be used in web designer. Lets say I define a local single row collection with a property as Data Type string and property data source type as "Dynamic Foreign Key". How do I go about pointing it to…
  • Raising event from WebDesigner not working

    V 7.1.2: In WebDesigner I am calling a script in an action. Script among other things generates an event. I see script working fine, however an exception is thrown when it comes to generating that event. I tried simulating the event on the same person…

  • Column format for First and Last Name of person table.


    How can we change the format for First name and last name columns in Person Table. We current added a Contractor from the identity manager webportal. We are using VI_Employee_Edit module to add a record to the person table . If a user enter the…

  • Grid filter behaviour inconsistent web designer

    Hi, In web desiner i have created a grid in which having five columns. When i apply filter on a column e.g City, then it is showing the filter result but when navigate to second page. Filter goes off and showing all results. Whereas it is working fine…
  • Autofocus on input field, checkboxes in filter pop ups [Q1IM 6.1.4]

    Is it possible to have autofocus set on input fields after the filter pops up?  

    Grids with less than 20 different values have check boxes instead of a search field. Is it possible to change that?

  • HTML Attribute disabled="disabled" is no longer generated for readonly or write protected input-fields after upgrade from Q1IM 6.0.1 to Q1IM 6.1.4


    HTML Attribute disabled="disabled" is no longer generated for readonly or write protected input-fields after upgrade from 6.0.1 to 6.1.4
    is this a known bug? any idea how to solve that?

    best regards,

  • IT Shop error: "System.NullReferenceException" exclusively on Chrome.

    Hello Guys,

     I have the following error “System.NullReferenceException:Object…” that will randomly display upon requesting a “custom form” Service Account from IT Shop using Chrome. It’s important to note this only occurs in Chrome and not in IE. I have…