• Add and remove multivalue properties in HTML5 web portal

    We have a requirement from our customer that they should be able to add and remove proxyaddresses, but not edit existing values. We have created a custom column in the Person table Person.CCC_EmailAddresses) with the same properties as EXHRemoteMailbox…

  • Angular web portal

    Hello we are studying the possibility to move to the new angular web portal, but I have heard something rare.

    Can you confirm if this is true, please?: ‘The Angular version of the web portal queries the database through native API calls but only to ‘Identity…

  • New custom API doesn't work on Web Portal

    I want to create a new page on the Web Portal to display the AERoles.
    I developed a new custom API:
  • How can I create a customized product on the new Web Portal? OneIM 9.2

    In Web Designer, I normally used Object Dependent to create a link between the Web Component and the Product I wanted to customize.
    In the new Web Portal, I searched the QER lib, but unfortunately I couldn't find a way to make a link between a new component…

  • Caches management of Angular Web Portal

    Hello everyone,

    We are making a custom app for one of our solution from the Angular codebase v92. We are building using npm run build. But we see there is a caches that is not getting cleared when we have deployed the custom app. Can anyone of you please…

  • Request history shows all users request

    Hello All,

    I am using One Identity version 9.2, by default on the portal, it shows all users request history to other users too.

    I am trying to restrict the request history visibility only to logged in user or for whom user has raised a request or if…

  • OneIM 9.1.1 - Create new form for companies (FirmPartner) creation on new Angular Web Portal.


    we need to create External Companies in OneIM 9.1.1 via a custom form on the new Angular Web Portal. We were looking for standard APIs for creating the FirmPartner object, but we found nothing. Is there any API/feature that we can use to create FirmPartner…