• Assigning AD group to Business Role via API

    Looking for information on assigning AD Groups to a Business Role via the API.

    I think I may have found the correct assignments table but I cannot seem to get it to work: OrgHasADSGroup

    I have tried using it both ways with Group / Role (Org Tree) like…

  • Limit access to the API


    I want to limit the access to the API by having one service account (system user) only executing one set of scripts and Another service account executing Another set of script. Neither service account should be able to execute the other set of scripts…

  • PersonWantsOrg "Method MakeDecision was not found."


    1IM 8.1 

    I need approve request over API. 

    When I do request 

    "https://server/api/entity/PersonWantsOrg/dd74829c-73fa-4d1e-b8ae-059f517c783e/method/MakeDecision" I get error: 

    {"responseStatus":{"errorCode":"NotFound","message":"Method MakeDecision…

  • OAuth2.0 and API


    We're trying to get ServiceNow to run scripts in One IM and doing that with OAuth2.0. I've installed the RSTS but something is missing.

    1. I have enabled both OAuth2.0-authentication modules but do I need to configure a identity provider…

  • How to send the right script return value so the reformatted JSON appears correctly?


    I'm having trouble with how my output looks in my data for the script I've created. I've created the script in a way where the output is a String that is precisely aligned to JSON format (using the Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject format). However…

  • How to use REST API without needing to authenticate to server AND One Identity console?


    I'm facing an issue when trying to do REST API calls. 

    I'm using Postman, and when trying to get a session cookie (authentication), I have to both authenticate twice. Once is my own username and password and once for the admin user for One Identity…

  • Not getting any output using python, but using Postman i am getting the output

    Calling a Dell one web service,

    Using POSTMAN, first i used POST to get the session ID, second GET to get the output response.


    1) POST:

    import requests
    url = "">192.168.**.*/.../apphost"
    payload = "{\"authString\":\"Module…
  • Calling Scripts via Application Server RESTful API using Common_StartScripts permission not working


    We are trying to call a custom script via the Application Server RESTful API. 

    We have made sure that the user who does this has an application role assigned which has the permission group Common_StartScripts. 
    This application role also has the permissions…

  • How to use OAuth 2.0 with Application Server via RESTful API


    Currently we have an application that communicates with the 1IM system via the RESTful API provided by the application server. This communication is currently done via the RoleBasedEmployee Authentication Module. 

    We are looking into changing this…

  • How to approve a pending request via the AppServer API


    I am currently working on a project that requires an iOS app to talk to the D1IM API. 

    This is working perfectly and I can pull out the information I need and present it in the app.

    However I am having trouble on how to approve a pending request via…