• How to Synchronize Active Directory and Azure with 4 different domains of Active Directory and AzureAD to OneIM out of them 1 AD and 1 Azure tenant is already connected to oneIM.


    I have a requirement to manage multiple domains of AzureAD and Active Directory from One IM.

    I feel this is a normal Use-case and I feel product support this.

    Need help in understanding below:

    • I have to synchronize only few limited User Account object…
  • Unable to pass UsageLocation for Azure AD from One IM



    I am trying to map Usage location field in Azure AD from One IM. Mapping is available in sync editor but the value is not getting assigned in target. Please help

  • Unable to insert OnPremisesImmutableId in target in AAD project



    I am trying to insert OnPremImmutableId which is mapped to OnPremisesImmutableId in target. I have the mapping and I have the value for OnPremImmutableId in AADUser table. But the value is not getting inserted in target. Can someone please help? Thanks…

  • Set proxy settings for access to Azure AD

    What is needed to enable the sync server of the Identity Manager 7.1.2 to accessing Azure AD via a internet proxy? 

    Actually the server tries to connect Azure AD directly without a proxy, which is not allowed. The creation of a new sync project in the…