• Database Transporter - Unable to import transport file consisting of reports created in Report Editor


    We developed reports with Report Editor in a non-prod environment and created a transport file using a change label. Our goal is to migrate these reports to production, but we have to test importing the transport file in a non-prod environment…

  • New Custom field not showing up in Custom Tab

    I added a custom column the Person table using the Schema Extension, and made sure the sort order was not zero.  Comitted, Compiled and then loaded The Manager.  This field is not showing up on the Custom Tab for the table, is there something else I need…

  • Already loaded DLL needs to be changed and renamed. How to remove an existing DLL?

    Running Q1IM 6.1.2: I inherited an environment that uses DLL's to allow for script libraries to code against target systems API's and such. I have coded changes to an existing loaded DLL in 1IM. It will have a new DLL name and namespace. I didn't inherit…

  • Unix connector - Import accounts belong to the specified group

    How to specify Scope in Unix connector project (Synchronization Editor) to import accounts that only belong to specified group?

  • IM 7.1 - The reference UID_ProfitCenter has no target!

    We have created synchronisation project (Synchronisation Editor) for Custom HR system (MySQL based).

    We've successfully define property, for Person, VRT_UID_Department ("Key resolution by reference" Base property: UID_Department, Search property: FullPath…

  • PWDLastSet

    Hi All.

    At present we use Password Manager along with Identity Manager. Should a user change their password throughout the day the user will eventually get their password reset prompt during the day after logging on successfully in the morning. If a user…

  • Identity Manager 7.0.1 - DBQueue Company Resource Assignments

    After running various updates in Manager a process in the DBQueue fires called 'Company Resource Assignments'. While this is expected the fact that it can take several hours to process a couple of hundred updates isn't. Has anyone any experience of this…

  • Multivalued column


    How to make a column in object browser as multivalued? There is a column which showing result in dropdownlist. How can i select multiple value from dropdown list for that column?

    Now i am able to select only one value from dropdown list.


  • VI.JobService.JobComponents.ADSComponent - Errors occured


    I've recently upgraded to 6.13 in prep for 7.1. Since upgrading I get the following error randomly.

    2016-12-13 15:25:45 -06:00 - VI.JobService.JobComponents.ADSComponent - 389c90e6-1dae-4c33-8a98-ce2d4405833c: Errors occured
    The connection…

  • Write permission denied for value "system user"


    While trying to import system configuration from one envirnoment to other through transporter tool. I am getting the error "Write permission denied for value "system user"


    Please advise on this.




  • System user write permission

    How to set the write permission for system user as viadmin? I am getting error while trying to import the system configuration from one envirnoment to other using system user. Please help on this issue
  • 1IM 6.1.2 Job queue Service getting the 50000 error 'Session Id for queue \nnn does not agree


    Working on a new Installation of 1IM v 6.1.2, getting the below error even though I only have one queue.


    Error excerpt:

    [821002] Error requesting queue '\FIMINFWWADV28' for database 'fiminfwwadv28\DEVD1IM_1'.
        [810023] Error during execution of…
  • D1IM(6.1.2): How to tell if History Archive DB is working?

    I have attempted to configure and activate the History Archive DB. Service installed and running, service configured with one queue. Config params set to export over 90 days for Process View, progress View, and PropertyLog. IsToExport set to 1 for all…

  • How can we use Authentication in Dell Identity Manager 7 REST API?

    Our customer is trying to use Dell One REST API to create Person Objects and ADSGroup Objects but not sure how to pass credentials/authentication info in the payload? Can we do it all in the same call or do we need to run an authentication API call first…

  • RE: History Data viewing

    Hi Anton,

    please ensure the following:

    1. TimeTrace database is configured in identity Manager database

    2. Ensure that the TimeTrace settings are configured correctly to export the historical information to the History DB for the object and property changes…
  • RE: History Data viewing

    Hi Anton,

    please refer to section TimeTrace Databases in the configuration manual. You have to declare your history databases in the Identity Manager database to access the data from the history database in TimeTrace.

    "The history databases must be declared…

  • RE: Move AD account on deactivation


    there is no OOTB configuration Parameter and you don't need to create a custom process. You just have to customize the template for ADSAccount.UID_ADSContainer to implement your requirement.

  • RE: Getting Error while login into the Manager (D1IM 7.0)


    i am unable to reproduce this error.

    So i would like you to ask the following questions to help the experts to identify your issue.

    1. Does this error occurs only on one machine or are you able to reproduce it on another one?
    2. On what system did you…
  • RE: It is not allowed to use the local machine as install destination


    This is the expected behaviour in the configuration wizard. Just take a look into the online documentation to find all the ways to install a Job Server.


  • RE: I can't compile in D1IM_v7 due Wait for DBQueue Processor

    Just, for clarification. You added another CPU to your system and then these Errors occur? Or did you do anything in addition?

    You could use the following SQL statements to remove and reinstall the SQL Agent Jobs:

    -- First check if there are sessions…

  • RE: I can't compile in D1IM_v7 due Wait for DBQueue Processor

    You should not start the QBM_PDBQueueProcess_Main SQL Agent job manually. The start will be triggered and monitored by the Watchdog SQL Agent Job.

    It would be helpfull if you could check if your SQL Agent Job where executed at all. You could use the following…

  • RE: Encryption not working when we update manually for AD password

    Hi Jaipal,

    you can't using SQL.

    By the way, you should use the object layer at any time (if possible).

  • RE: Dell one Identity Manager integration with Cloud Access manager


    Dell One Identity Manager does not support the SAML authentication scheme but you can use the OAuth authenticator of D1IM in combination with Dell One Cloud Access Manager 8.1.

  • RE: ADGroup that are inherited and directly assigned.

    Hi Kai,

    just delete the entries with XOrigin=3 using the object layer (NOT SQL!!!). For example with ObjectBrowser (or any other tool from D1IM like Manager, ...).

    The object layer automatically converts the delete operation and changes the XOrigin flag…