• SAP SNC connection from outside the customer environment

    Hello all,

    we are trying to connect a SAP R/4 system via SNC to a oneIM 8.14. Unfortunately, the OnIM is located completely separately outside the customer environment. The connection without SNC works!

    SAPcryptolib is located in "c:\sapcryptolib".…

  • How to find count of target system table before performing the sync using sync editor

    I want my sync project to first check the count of data in the target system first and if the count is not null then it should start the sync.

    Issue: I have multiple target system tables which can be null sometimes due to timeout issue. So in the current…

  • Optimize Synch Editor - Reduce (remove) Get Object During Synch

    Hi All,

    I'm working with a JDBC connector and I'm synchronising UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB with a target table of similar structure. I have around 18k records to process - right now I'm just reading them in.

    My high level understanding of the sync…

  • Synchronization Editor: Test connection failure after import sync project


    1IM 8.1 (2019-01-21-108).

    I have imported Native Database sync project to PostgreSQL database (via .projshell file)

    When I click Test button (In Target System) for check connection to the PostgreSQL database see error: "Data source name not found…

  • How to decrypt the password from sync project?

    How to decrypt the password from sync project?

    For Ex : Cp_adsbasepassword variable is encrypted in sync project. How can I decrypt the password?

  • Synchronization with SAP R/3

    Hi everyone,

    we are trying to synchronize one identity with SAP but after to configure the connector at the end when the synchronization has to start we have this error : "SAP client 100 Must have SAP profile objects synchronized before you set up SAP…

  • Mapping Key Resolution from UNSaccountB to UNSGroupB to get ObjectGUID


    I've made a connector which only works with the Users class.
    The UNSGroup assigned in One Identity has an ObjectGUID, which I have to map when inserting av new user from One Identity to the target system.
    Please note that the groups on the target…

  • How to read event (insert/update/delete) in script property (sync editor)

    Hi all,

    I am syncing data in Application table which has the mandatory column "Version". I want to insert 1 on the insert event and want to increment that number with each update. How do I read the event in the script property in sync editor?…

  • Ho to read data from IEnumerable<CommitRecords>?

    Hi, I am working on ADO.net connector in version 8.1.3. We need to write our own code to push the data to target system and I noticed that we et the user data in IEnumerable<CommitRecords> when we write our own Multiprocessing steps script. Please help…

  • Azure AD connector


    We are trying to connect to Azure AD through out of the box connector in sync project. We provided AppID, domain and the user account credentials.

    But we are getting the error [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirector.AdalServiceException]:…

  • Custom Project template is not available on template selection.

    Hi All,

    I have created a custom SAP synchronization project template from the existing sync project.

    Now I am creating another SAP sync project but on the template selection window, I can not see the custom project template that I have created.

    Do you…

  • Convert epoch time in Sync editor


    I would like to get data about Expiry date from AD - parameter msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed

    As I checked it is the same forma as AccountExpires parameter.

    Where I do not find solution is how can I create vrt property to transfer this number to…

  • Connector framework execution plan and efficiency

    The connector framework calculates an execution plan where the order of execution for each step in the synchronization workflow is determined. In the case that individual steps do not have a dependency on each other I do not see the steps executed in…

  • SAP ERP S/4 Connector in OneIM 8.1.4

    Hello All,

    We are using OneIM 8.1.4 version. We have requirement to connect SAP s/4 systems.

    Also, We checked that seems that in SAP connector we have only SAP R/3 connectors only.

    Can we connect those systems with OneIM? If so, could you please share…

  • Unable to connect to ServiceMax application using SCIM connector


    I am using version 8.1.3 and trying to connect to ServiceMax using SCIM connector. I have used Oauth authentication and authentication endpoint used is "services/oauth2/token". URI used is "services/scim/v2". I have put valid client id, client…

  • Unable to create synchronization project for connecting to Active Directory


    We are using version 8.1.3. We have integrated with one AD domain in One Identity Manager and now trying to integrate with another AD domain. We do not have direct  DB connectivity and it is via Application server. When we try to create AD project…

  • Mapping UID_ParentDepartment

    Hi all,

    We have create a department (named 'dep') in Department table, and we want to reconciliate some objects from a Oracle DB and put them under ower 'dep' department.

    In the mapping of the connector, we have create a 'Fixed value'…

  • Update Sync Project not possible

    I've just upgraded from 8.1.3 to 8.1.4 because I needed to apply a patch for my SCIM sync projects.  I start the Sync Editor, and choose "Upgrade Sync Project".  I immediately receive the error:

    CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Patch33399…

  • Sync Project Oracle Data Provider for ado.net connector

    Hello Experts,

    I am trying to set up a Sync Project to use stored procedures of an oracle db.

    I read that I need to use a ado.net generic connector.

    When trying to add the dll for the Oracle Data Provider I get following error:

    I tried downloading different…

  • Not all OU in 1IM DB after Active Directory Syncronization (Missing some OUs)


    1IM 8.1. SP2. 

    I created Sync Project Active Directory. 

    I did not change scopes or filters. 

    Not all OU inserted ADSContainer table after syncronization.

    Logs has not errors about OU. 

    In test enviroment with test AD all ok.

    Why it did?    

  • Provisionning AD Error: [1777004]

    Hello all, 

    I'm facing an issue and I tried many different ways to solve this, but the problème still exists. 

    The problem is: after creating a user from the web portal, the user is created, get the AD account by the AccountDef and all things…

  • Error while assigning SAP roles to the user

    I am getting the below error while trying to assign SAP roles to the user from synchronisation editor. Could someone please suggest am I getting this?

    The system.exception says Bitte ein Initialkennwort angebenwhich which translates to "Please enter an…

  • Problem viewing Objects within Synchronization Editor


    In a sync project in our development environment, I would like to use the Target System Browser to look at the attributes - especially the virtual ones - and check whether all virtual attributes are set correctly.
    However, I do not get any results…

  • changing password for Exchange online sync project

    Hello Team,

    I am trying to update service account password of exchange online sync but when trying to browse target system to update password I am getting below error.

    The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference…

  • Is there a way to limit access to Designer/SyncEditor to Read-Only for System accounts?

    Hello Experts,

    I have a bit of an issue and looking to see if there is a solution.  Currently we are using OneIM 8.0.1.  Our whole team has System Accounts due to need for provisioning in manager.  I was wondering if there was a way to create custom roles…