• INSERT Event Trigger Not Firing When Inserting via Script

    Hi everyone,

    Has anyone managed event triggers following an insert operation via script into a table?
    The issue is that when inserting an object into any table through a script, the INSERT event is not triggered. This happens because the operation is done…

  • Condition for template (trigger only if the SYNC is finished)


    I would like to know if it's possible to set a condition in a template so that the template triggers only after the sync is complete.

    Let me explain the use case:
    We have a sync project for SAP SuccessFactors where we perform an initial sync…

  • Login via SSO to applications.

    Hello everyone,

    can anyone tell me how I can configure the login of applications (Manager, Designer, JobqueueInfo...) via SSO?

    Any help is welcome, thank you.

  • Script for pwd gen and putting value into ADSAccount UserPassword field


    I've created a script to generate the password taking the xobjectkey as input and returning the password.

    Here's my script:

    Public Function CCC_Generate_Password_AD(ByVal accountXobjectKey As String) As String
    Dim entity As IEntity = Session…

  • Cannot create Change Labels in Designer Tool (Version 9.0 LTS)

    Hi all,

    when i try to create a new change label, saving procedure fails with the following error: 

    InvalidArgument=Value of '-1' is not valid for 'index'.
    Parameter name: index
    at Designer.frmStateLog.OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
    at Designer…

  • Change language context for executetemplates

    Hi together,

    I have a script wich creates a personwantsorg object with all its attributes, this is all fine. There is an attribute which is called "DisplayObjectKeyAssignment" this one references the connected objects of the order request. Those connected…

  • CSV export in a custom process


    I want to create a custom process based on a daily schedule. This process is based on a SQL Query, i want the results of the SQL Query exported in a CSV file and then send by mail. 

    My question is : should i creat a script that generate a CSV file…

  • Contractor To permanent Employee

    Hi All,

    I have one scenario in which I have to write a code for  contractor who are getting promoted to employee in a company for this i have to check whether the Employee ID of the contractor and the newly created employee record  are same.

    If they are…

  • How to assign automatically Distribution Groups


    I have to assign automatically Azure AD distribution groups to some accounts if they have the mailbox enabled and also depending of their location.

    Do you have any suggestions?

    Thank you,


  • How to schedule a job to run hourly except a particular interval

    How to schedule a job to run hourly except a particular interval ?

    I tried it in Designer > Edit Schedule, but there is no such option to put exception interval.

    Checked both in OIM Version 8.1.5 and 9.1.1

  • Update Script for a value column in Person Table

    I wanna add a modification to a script used for calculating the CCC_Direction value in the Person table. CCC_Direction corresponds to the Direction to which the person is attached calculated based on DepartmentName column in the Department table as shown…

  • Designer Test Script dropdown resize?


    In OIM 9 (9.1.1), the Designer's Test Script window's list of scripts dropdown is a lot smaller than in previous versions 8 (8.1.4)... is there a way to resize or revert that dropdown again so we can actually read the names? Or is this a bug?…

  • What is the Reason for EBSUser responsibility validTo date being set.

    Hi Team, 

    We are observing the following behavior in EBSUser responsibility table. 

    When the EBS sync is being run we have seen for some users the EBS user responsibility ValidTo date in EBSUserInResp table is being set and that is triggering De provisioning…

  • How to set the ExitDate manually


    I need to change the ExitDate value into the Designer, how can I set it to a specific value? For exemple, when a user is created on the web portal I want to set the ExitDate as default at 2999-1-1.

    Thank you,


  • [813020] Component cannot be executed because required parameter 'ConnectionString, ConnectionProvider' are missing.

    Hi All,

    In DEVELOPMENT environment we are not able to see parameters for many of the OOTB processes and seems like none of the OOTB processes are working.

    All process steps are red in color.

    OOTB process steps with script components are missing the values…

  • IT Shop event through custom script

    Dear All,

    At the moment I am working on changing a feature in the IT Shop during the Request phase through a custom script in Designer, but I still haven't figured out how to write and invoke it.

    Specifically, I need a check on the specifications of the…

  • How to set up just one CSM connector as Authoritative source?

    Hello all, 

    We have various connectors that use the CSM configuration, some starling connectors (Salesforce and SuccessFactors ECP) and some custom target system connected throguh SCIM. These connectors are not authoritative sources, so the PersonAutoFullSync…

  • VB reference manual

    Hi experts,

    I want to change some pre-scripts on some "process". But, there are many functions that I don't know, such as "Connection.Getsingleproperty()", "Pers.CallFunction()", etc. Is there any VB Reference Manual for those functions?…

  • How to change email notification fuction in "Designer"?

    Hi experts,

    I want to implement an email notification function in IAM.

    Here is the situation:
    when somebody makes a request, both A and B will receive that request. And the only condition to approve this request is both A and B agree to the request. But…

  • Is there a way to limit access to Designer/SyncEditor to Read-Only for System accounts?

    Hello Experts,

    I have a bit of an issue and looking to see if there is a solution.  Currently we are using OneIM 8.0.1.  Our whole team has System Accounts due to need for provisioning in manager.  I was wondering if there was a way to create custom roles…

  • Error during execution of 'CheckValues' in logic module 'VI.Common.Customizer.PwdpolicycolumnEntityLogic'

    Hi All ,

    We are getting the below mentioned error in the 'Insert' SAP user step of process SAP_PersonHasTSBAccountDef_Autocreate_SAPUser .(Identity Manager version - 8.1.2)

    Error during execution of 'CheckValues'  in logic module 'VI.Common…

  • Changing Hostname of a JobServer in the Designer

    I have a scenario where I have two job servers (one active and one is passive state), both are configured with similar machine roles, both are in different data centers.

    Currently I want to failover my primary job server to the passive one by changing…

  • How to get current date in email templates in designer?

    Hi All,

    I have created some email templates in Designer tool under Mail Templates section. one thing that is bothering me is how to get the DATE populated dynamically in the email templates so that the user will be seeing the date in the email when it receives…

  • DialognextId is there a way to reset the nextID

    I have a requirement to have the sequence number from 1 to 10000 once it reaches 10000    this value NextID should be reset back to 1. I tried using designer process to reset the value it is giving permission denied error.

    Is there a way to reset the limit…