• Unable to Provision thru AppManager Connection

    Hi Everyone,

    I am very new to One Identity Manager and don't have a whole lot of experience in it.  We recently implemented this application and having some issues.  We are connecting to Manager thru AppManager Connection.  When we try to create Groups…

  • Implementing One Identity Defender to Identity Manager

    Hello everybody,

    I am trying to implement two-factor authentication by using One Identity Defender to ITShop and AppServer portals and then later to Manager and Designer apps. 

    For the web portals, I tried using the ISAPI Agent that One Identity provides…

  • Custom column always showing a default value but

    Hi All,

    A Custom column always showing a default value for all objects in object browser and manager tool whereas in sql query showing correct values for that column.

    Please help to fix this issue and what could be the possible reason for that.


  • How to get the disabled Mailbox object from "DialogueDifferedOperation" table to Actual EXOMailbox table

    i have scenario like when an  mailbox object expires then it will be  moved to "DialogueDiferredOperation" table for deleting it ( after 60 days it will be deleted as per the waiting period) from "EXOmailbox" table.But i have a disabled mailbox in…

  • Mass Prohibit Modification for Employees custom property 1 field


      I know that I am able to prohibit editing for an individual master record by right-clicking my mouse and selecting 'prohibit modification'.  I am searching for a way on the table level to lock the [Person].[CustomProperty01] to all existing…

  • What is v8 One Identity Manager Maintenance Mode

    Could someone help me understand what Maintenance Mode is? And how to disable this mode? We are showing an alert that states "The One Identity Manager Database is in maintenance mode" on the system tray of Manager\Sync Editor etc.. 

    So far I…

  • Unable to remove AD group tied with system role from user



    I have tied AD group with system role in Manager. When I assign system role to user, the corresponding AD group gets assigned to user but now when I try to remove the system role from user, corresponding AD group doesn't get removed. Why is it so…

  • Add custom field on "filter the result view" functionality


    I would like to add a custom attibutes in the filter on the manager fat client.

    For example, in the result list, I only want to display employee with attributes CCC_confidential = true.

    Is there a way to add a custom attribute in the list of attribute…

  • Overview task not appearing in Manager

    Hi All,

    For some reason I cannot view the Overview for specific Objects within the Manager. It was working previously however recently when I double click on a Cost Centre (for example), it immediately opens up the Master data. This made me think I had…

  • Manager " The program terminated unexpectedly!"

    Manager will not load, get this error before login option.  Cleared App Cache, Full Compile, recycled service.  Version 7.1.1



  • Define search criteria for employee assignment

    Hi, I have created a search mapping criteria like AdsAccount.EmployeeNumber -> Person.PreviousPersonnelNumber. Where PreviousPersonnelNumber is custom column which is multivalue column. The above matching search criteria getting failed cause it is not…
  • New Custom field not showing up in Custom Tab

    I added a custom column the Person table using the Schema Extension, and made sure the sort order was not zero.  Comitted, Compiled and then loaded The Manager.  This field is not showing up on the Custom Tab for the table, is there something else I need…

  • Declaring the HistoryDb

    I have been looking into configuring an archiving solution for our Q1IM 6.0.2 implementation to aid in the rapidly expanding history information that is filling the database.  Currently our jobhistory table has surpassed 10 million rows and I believe it…

  • Manager - Idiots Guide to Creating a Report Workflow

    Quest Gurus,

    I need some help in setting up a report workflow for attestation. Basically, our current setup will simply run an attestation build for each of the apps we have added to Q1 but once the user approves or denies someone, nothing happens. We…