• Powershell connector - empty variables during updating

    Hello folks!

    During trying to update user object, for some reason OneIM seems is not passing parameters to the Powershell function. How it looks:

    XML schema for user:

    				<ListingCommand Command="Get-UserList">
    					<SetParameter Param…

  • v8.2.1: Too much resources used on IIS pool: sessions (user not logged in) is spiking

    We see the following IIS Server behavior:

    • After restarting the IIS server the number of “User account: (User is not logged in); started at: xxxxxxxxxxx” – sessions is building up to 80-90 sessions. Netstat registers 9 IP connections with port 443. …
  • One Identity Manager - Join in Query class


    I have a question regarding to the SDK's for One Identity 8.2 version. I'm looking for possibility to launch a query with option to make it left/right join. Is this possible to do it via SDK and connectivity to AppServer?

     new QBM.AppServer…

  • Process step parameter is displaying password as plain text in job queue instead of encrypted value.

    Hi Team,

    I have a configuration parameter which has encryption checkbox checked on it. 

    But, when I am using the same in process step, I see the password being displayed as plain text in the job queue. my data base is also encrypted.

    what I don't understand…

  • How to insert a quantitative report created in the Report Editor to be viewed within the portal?


    I created a quantitative report within the Report Editor, I would like to view it through the Web Portal, I created this report based on "VI_ITShop_Orders", customizing the search parameters, is there any way to do this?

    When trying to…

  • Wrong export file while one of table column is set as 'Part of alternative primary key'

    I found an issue during creating object export.

    In the table Department I have set CustomProperty01 as Part of alternative primary key.

    Export it as Transport of selected objects and dependencies and in the zip file I found the in the XML file department…

  • Group not updated in one identity

    Hi All, I have renamed one of the group in AD but the old group is showing on IM instead of group which i have renamed in AD. Can any one suggest what is causing in this? Thanks

  • Bulk update last login date for Azure AD users

    HI All, 

    We have a requirement to daily update last login of AADUsers. Number of users is greater than 700000.

    We are fetching the last login data from a custom table in Azure AD and store it in csv file .

    Is there any way to update the data in bulk in…

  • Check if logged in user has an AERole

    Hi All

    How can I check in the Web Designer in the "Condition" property of a case node inside a switch block if the currently logged in user has a specific AERole?

    Thank you in advance.

  • How to filter the values of a custom field based on the value inserted in a drop down list?


    In One Identity Manager 8.2.1 I would like to filter the items of a custom field based on which value I selected before in a dropdown list.

    In the web portal, in the "Add new employee" section of the managers I have these two fields:


  • How to make a report created in the Report Editor available in the Simple List Report?


    In One Identity Manager 8.2.1 I have created a report in the Report Editor, and I want to make it avaible in the Simple List Report view of the Web Portal.

    I've tried to add it from the Manager, as shown below:

    Then, I assigned the report to…

  • How to set the ExitDate manually


    I need to change the ExitDate value into the Designer, how can I set it to a specific value? For exemple, when a user is created on the web portal I want to set the ExitDate as default at 2999-1-1.

    Thank you,


  • WebPortal - Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'

    Hi Community!

    I'm facing some issues while installing web portal for One Identity 8.2.1.

    I can't run my IIS application of the web portal because I have the following error:

    Server Error in '/AppServer' Application.