• Provisioning with accounts disabled

    Hello everyone,

    In this environment, I have a target system for both Active Directory and Azure AD connectors.

    For AD, everything is managed with account definitions, and we create/delete/modify accounts.

    However, for Azure AD, it’s different because…

  • Salesforce Role Provisioning Not Working

    Hello All,
    I am using One Identity Manager version 8.2.
    I have created a salesforce project using Starling connect connector in sync editor.

    Role provisioning process for salesforce user is freezing with error "Method not Allowed" and status = 405. Whereas…

  • Salesforce Role Provisioning Not Working

    Hello All,
    I am using One Identity Manager version 8.2.
    I have created a salesforce project using Starling connect connector in sync editor.

    Role provisioning process for salesforce user is freezing with error "Method not Allowed" and status = 405. Whereas…

  • IBM i LDAP provisioning accounts issue - provisioning gets frozen with error message “the object does not exist”

    Hello all,

    I have the following issue:

    I have two systems, one in version 7.0.2 and the other one in version 9.0. A custom AS400 LDAP connector was built few years ago on version 7.0.2 and that works as expected. 

    As a copy of the system got upgraded…

  • How to assign Dynamic Values to SAP Parameters?

    We have a requirement to provision a SAP Parameters with value say 'A' when the user's CompanyMember attribute is say X and Value 'B' if the CompanyMember is Y.
    To do this i created a business role SAP ERP Users in our dev env. we assigned…

  • Error while provisioning or update of AD Account

    Hi Community,

    While I am trying to update the AD account attribute in ADSAccount table, the OOTB process "ADS_ADSAccount_Update/(De-)activate" triggers and it is erroring out in the provisioning step with the following error.

    Error executing synchronization…

  • Error while Provisioning AD Account

    Hi Community,

    I have been trying to provision an AD account, and created an provisioning workflow for that in the synchronization editor. But, whenever I try to update any parameter in the ADAccount table the following OOTB process "ADS_ADSAccount_Update…

  • Hybrid Exchange Connector - Command launched from One Identity

    I made an Hybrid Exchange Connector and I was asking: is it possible to see somewhere commands (powershell I guess) launched from OneIdentity against Exchange during provisioning through an Hybrid Exchange connector?

    In particular we would like to know…

  • Report for historical assignments and table UNSAccountInUNSGroup

    The standard report VI_Person_Overview_With_History show amongst other things historical assignments of UNSAccounts ang UNSGroups, with name of UNSGroup and assigned from and assigned until time, using CreationTime and DeletionTime. I would also like…

  • Membership in PostgreSQL role


    1IM 8.1

    I created Native Database Connection (ADO.Net) for PostgreSQL DB. 

    I created mappings UNSAccountB <-> pg_user view in PostgreSQL, UNSGroupB <-> pg_group view in PostgreSQL. 

    Create and removing groups and users in PostgreSQL works…

  • How to provision a new AD account to a user using Roles

    We are new to One Identity and trying to provision a new AD account by assigning a business role. Below is our approach:

    1. Created a business role hierarchy as below:

               Business Role1 ----- Role Assignment (Account Definitions, Active Directory Groups…

  • Provisionning AD Error: [1777004]

    Hello all, 

    I'm facing an issue and I tried many different ways to solve this, but the problème still exists. 

    The problem is: after creating a user from the web portal, the user is created, get the AD account by the AccountDef and all things…

  • Error while assigning SAP roles to the user

    I am getting the below error while trying to assign SAP roles to the user from synchronisation editor. Could someone please suggest am I getting this?

    The system.exception says Bitte ein Initialkennwort angebenwhich which translates to "Please enter an…

  • Need clarity | Creating UNSAccountB from account definition on employee creation

    Hi fellow experts,

    I hope everyone is save and healthy.

    I've configured an account definition for a custom target system and mapped it with a business role (assigned using a dynamic rule). So the creation of UNSAccountB is happening and using the generic…

  • How does AccountInGroup Ad-Hoc Provisioning work? => how to update multi-valued attrib on account not group

    Can someone please explain to me how AdHoc Provisioning works for Account-Group Memberships?  I can’t find any documentation on this anywhere … aside from discussions about XDateSubItem on the “hosting” object.

    With an ‘ordinary…

  • SAP User object ignored during synchronization because object has M:N provisioning tasks

    Dear fellow experts,

    Trust you are safe and healthy.

    I've configured a SAP CUA synchronization project which is configured to be in read-only (both in the intial Base Administration template configuration and target system configuration) so the data…

  • Recommendations please...

    Hi everyone,

    Looking for good tutorials / documentation on provisioning / approvals. Training is on the horizon, but I need something to get me through the short term.



  • Creating a new One IM Database via the command Line


        Hoping a quick question, How do you create a new database via the Cli?

    I'm trying to replicate the functions of the ConfigWizard "Create and install database function/feature within a deployment script. I've found information that points…

  • Provisioning an unexpected value in attribute Mail of AD

    Hello experts,


    1IM is provisioning the “Mail” attribute of some AD accounts as blank (“”) when this should be Person.CCC_email and we cannot explain why this is happening despite Person.CCC_email being always filled.

    We have…

  • SAP Client provisioning, if the client is not available because cloud system is down to reduce costs


    in our environment we have connected every SAP client (more than 300) to our IAM system, so Prod, QS and Development.

    Now more and more systems will be shifted to cloud environments, where during the night or if they are not needed for a specific…

  • Is there a way to Limit OneIM to use only Child Domain for GC Query instead of Parent?

    Hello Experts,

    We have been having a weird issue with our OneIM version 8.0.1.  We have multiple domains and 2 of the 3 domains are working with no errors.  One of the Domain we have is having all kinds of issues.  The difference is the 2 working domains…

  • Hybrid Exchange 2016 and One Identity Manager (8.0.2)


    Need to get hold of anyone who have fixed implementing One Identity with a hybrid Exchange Environment, because I'm struggling mightily with this.

    Since Exchange "converts" the local mailbox to a remote mailbox after the migration to Exchange…

  • ADS_ADSGroup_Insert Job frozen but AD Object was created

    Hello Experts,

    We have a mystery that i'd like to get some help with.  We have multiple Jobs that are either ADS_ADSGroup_Insert, ADS_ADSAccount_Insert and they are frozen but the AD Object was created in AD.  You are able to able to provision to this…

  • Active Directory Provisionning

    Hello Everyone, 

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    I have a problem with the AD Provisionning (Target Synchronization).

    I don't know how to create a kind of CheckBox on "Create User Account" Form via Manager Application (also via Web Portal…

  • SAP Connector: set the "valid from" date

    We are using One Identity 8.0.1 and the SAP Connector

    We are starting to provision SAP roles to SAP ECC.

    By default, the field "Valid from" of the assigned role in ECC is set by One Identity to 01-01-1900 while we need to set it to the date of…