• Request Property field issue


    I am having an issue with the request property:

    The request is from the personwantsorg table, and I want to calculate the dynamic fields in the parameter query using "%", for example, UID_Person = '%UID_PersonOrdered%'.

    This works…

  • Regarding Request Properties, how can I reference another parameter in the Valuation, Validation script columns?

    Hi Guys,

    I am using Request Properties with the Angular Web Portal,

    And I have, for example, the parameters "First Name" and "Last Name". In the Validation column of the "Last Name" parameter, I would like to retrieve the value of the "First Name" parameter…

  • How may I use the Validation, Valuation and Data Dependencies script field in the new Web Portal?

    I am using the Angular web portal and studying how I could replicate other customers' product customizations

    I previously asked how I can customize products, and with the answer I solved part of the problem, with "Request Properties"


  • Request property email validation

    I’m using request properties in the new web portal to create and update objects in AD. I’m able to do most of what I need, except validation of email addresses. I have simplified the parameter set a lot in this example, but this is basically what I’m…

  • Anyone implemented ITShop request properties on 9.x version?

    The request properties section has been completely redesigned. I think a lot can be done, just wondering if anyone has already played around and have some reference to check? I didnt find anything helpful in the documentation on how to use it.

  • Web Portal - Error 500 while saving the request properties for a service item

    I added a Condition (query) on a parameter of request property related to a specific service element. 
    When I create the request in Web Portal by proceeding to populate the properties, the first field becomes blank when we select the second field. Also…

  • Request property default value

    Environment: 1IM 9.1.1 Angular WebPortal

    we are adding 2 custom Request Properties for a service item 

    StartDate and ExitDate

    both of'm are DateTime type and UserPrompt, i would like to have the value of ExitDate automatically set to StartDate + 1

  • Request Property and data from PersonInDepartment

    Hi all,

    I am trying to solve the following use case:
    An Employee is associated with several Departments through PersonInDepartment. When the Employee is ordering a product from ITShop, they should be able to select one of their Departments in a drop down…

  • Request Properties 8.2

    Hello request properties' fields with the new definition does not show up in the new web portal (8.2 version). Is there any solution for that problem?

  • One Identity 8.2 - Request Properties dont show up in the webportal

    Hey there,

    i have a problem with the new type of request properties.

    For a product the Requester should fill an String Field and choose a ADSAccount out of Table Query.

    In this case the String Field is called "Mailboxname" and the Table Query directs…

  • Set PersonWantsOrg properties to mandatory for specific products

    This seems like it should be straight forward, however I haven't been able to find a simple solution to the following:

    There are a number of ootb fields on the PWO records which are used to capture details during the request - Reason, Valid From and…

  • Where Does 1IM Pulls Selective List of Columns for Request Properties From?

    I'm trying to build a custom form in web designer and need to load same/similar list of columns for request properties "ColumnName" column. When you go to manager and try to add a new request property, You can select a column from the drop down list,…

  • What might be the cause of a condition not working on a request property?

    So I have a condition that says "UID_Person = '%UID_PersonOrdered%'", on a column that chooses an LDAPAccount.
    What could be the reason that this filter does not seem to work?

    it's assigned to the right service item

  • How can i increase character length of "Reason" field when submitting the Request in ITSHOP?

    Hello Experts,

    We have a need to expand the character limit on the "Reason" Field to accomodate additional notes for the users to put in the requests.  Where can i find this?  i tried looking in to Web Designer but was not able to find it...…

  • Multi select Foreign key in Request property


    I am to have system roles UID to be available for selection in front end while requesting a product. I am able to make it multi selectable by using component "MultiFKCombo" from Web Designer but when I am trying to select multiple system roles from…

  • How to create dependent dropdown column for ITshop request


    I have 2 parameters in my request properties and both will be drop downs. One for UID_Person and one for UID_AERole. I want that user will select UID_Person first and then accordingly UID_AERole should be displayed. Meaning, I want user to select…

  • Can requester, recipient and approver change input parameters once the request is raised?


    I checked in the ITshop and understood that it is not possible to change input parameters of the request once the request is raised. But is it possible to customize this functionality so that requester, recipient can change input parameters of the…

  • How can I have dynamic request properties in the request?



    I have a requirement to show dynamic values in dropdown in the request. Use case is to show disabled users in the dropdown who were reporting to the logged in user. Can someone please suggest how this can be achieved? Thanks in advance.

  • 7.1.1 - viewing permission for extended FKs to ShoppingCartItem and PWO tables

    Hi all,

    I know there are similar threads floating around, but I'm having a particular issue when I add FK columns to the ShoppingCartItem and PWO tables for request properties. At first I had thought it was a bug with ADSGroups schema extension, but even…