• Previous Website Configurations Missing

    Over the weekend of the 7th through the 10th, we lost all of the customization on the website buttons, forms, etc. Everything went back to their default names and settings and we seemingly had to recreate everything manually. Is there any location to…

  • How to use Database View to load data from Database into the local collections in Web Designer

    I have created a view in Database and I am trying to load the content of the view into the Local collection in the Webdesigner just like how we fetch contents of Database table into Local collection using Database Object component type. I tried using…

  • Web portal Error after upgrade to 9.0 LTS

    Hi all ,

    Just going through the upgrade from 8.1.5 to 9.0 LTS

    I updated the current web config file as per .Net Error after upgrading IT Shop to 9.1 but it does seem to be resolving the issue. The Next step is re-installing the web portal but asking to…

  • Web Portal Error after upgrade to v9.1. Can't login with identity's language being set (UID_DialogCulture not empty)

    Hi all,

    After re-installing version 9.1 web app (portal/IT shop), I noticed strange behavior when logging into a web portal. When logging in as identity (authentication is set to Employee role based) who has UID_DialogLanguage set to any language (tested…
  • How to remove passcode from the Webportal.

    Hi All ,

    Have an issue where the manager can see the passcode set option for his employees. This does not have any functionality and does not do anything. But where can this be configured to be removed from the Webportal ?



  • Fetch Todays System date In Web Designer. By Default.

    Hi Everyone,

    We have a requirement while creating a new contractor manually from the IT shop, Joining Date should be automatically populated as the current date,
    so that users cannot select the previous date, and in the case of leaving date, past dates…

  • How to filter Denied user In Web Designer


    Web Protal display some denied user in "Home Page"->"My Direct Reports"(see: https://sm.ms/image/f5qTep8kxism4FR ). We want to filter those Denied user, what should we do in Web Deigner?


  • Create new custom forms


    I need to know how to customize forms to registering external employees or edit existing ones.
    Any documentation or tips will be welcoming.

    Could anyone help me?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Manipulating Checkbox in webdesigner to be ticked if textfield contains data


    I have a textfield in Manager which I have Connected to be shown in the web-portal. I also have checked the Field to be shown as "VI_edit_checkbox". I've tried various ways of manipulating the checkbox to be ticked if there is any data in the…

  • Web Designer: Employees for whom a request can be placed

    i'm trying to customize the web portal in a way tha allows different groups of users to place requests on behalf of defined users. The SQL is getting a bit advanced and i'm trying to figure out how to do what I want. In the code below i'm using case-when…

  • Grid Band Search Function


    We are working with a Grid Band search function, setting the "IsSearchActive" extended property to true, and can only get results back that start with the search string entered.  We also want to get results that "include" the search string…

  • How to add custom module to UserMenu in Web Designer?


     I have reviewed the Web Designer documentation and searched the user forum without success. I am in the process of learning how to create a custom module within Web Designer and I can't figure out how to add the reference to the module to the UserMenu…