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Allow users to update their mobile number for OTP

I am piloting Password Manager... Does anyone know if it's possible to allow users to manage their preferred telephone number in which the OTP code is sent to? I know that I can configure which attirube in AD the number is read from.

It would be great if the user could add their number during the Q&A profile creation. I have asked Dell but they've said this is customisation that would require Professional Services. They said I might get help on the forums if anyone else has done this?

  • Sorry its been a long time, just stumbled across this, and have been working on something similar.

    this is possible, you would have a Q&A question asking the user for their personal number, you can then read this via the $global.qaprofileread in the relevant workflow step

    if you look at the customsms package in the sdk, you could extend this to merge directory attributes with the result from the q&a read. Giving the user a choice of their coporate numbers, and the q&a result in a drop down list.

    Note you would need to store the answers using reversable encrpytion.

    Hope that helps.


  • Sorry its been a long time, just stumbled across this, and have been working on something similar.

    this is possible, you would have a Q&A question asking the user for their personal number, you can then read this via the $global.qaprofileread in the relevant workflow step

    if you look at the customsms package in the sdk, you could extend this to merge directory attributes with the result from the q&a read. Giving the user a choice of their coporate numbers, and the q&a result in a drop down list.

    Note you would need to store the answers using reversable encrpytion.

    Hope that helps.


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