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Quest Password Manager - Is it possible to send Passcode at Users Personal Email ID

Hi Team,

In our scenario Quest Password Manager has been integrated with AD. We are looking at customizing the "Assign Passcode" activity as below:
- From Helpdesk site the Passcode is generated for a user
- The Passcode is sent to users personal Email ID

Using UserAccountInfo, we can get the users EmailID, set in AD. But we want to send the generated Passcode to an alternate/personal Email ID(because the user has forgotten his password for the primary email ID).
Let me know if anyone has come across similar situation and what would be the steps to achieve it.


  • Hi Francesco,

    We are planning on implementing this feature in one of the Password Manager 5.7 releases. It will not be included in the initial PM 5.7 release but possibly in 5.7.1.

    The product enhancement ID for this feature is 502853. Please refer to the "New Features" section of the Product Release Notes for a complete list of Enhancement ID's addressed in a new release. These are available in our Documentation section of the Support Portal.


    Jim C.
  • Hi Francesco,

    We are planning on implementing this feature in one of the Password Manager 5.7 releases. It will not be included in the initial PM 5.7 release but possibly in 5.7.1.

    The product enhancement ID for this feature is 502853. Please refer to the "New Features" section of the Product Release Notes for a complete list of Enhancement ID's addressed in a new release. These are available in our Documentation section of the Support Portal.


    Jim C.
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