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Allowed Groups In Self-Service Site

I have created a test group in AD for a couple of users so I can get the self-service site tested.  My issue is when I have no group or OU added to the user scope the site does not come up.  That's fine it shouldn't.  But, when I had my test group to the allowed access users not in that group are able to access the self-service site.


I can take one of my test user accounts out of the allowed group and I can still access the site from IE or the "Forgot Password" option after I install the Password Extension option on a test PC.


I am not sure why users not in the allowed group are able to access the self-service site.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,


  • I think I got it figured out after some more testing. I will let pull up the site but when I search or a user I took out it does not find them which is what I wanted. I put them back in the allowed group I can go through the SSite. They only thing I don't understand is when I add any group it activates the SSite for all users in the domain?
  • I think I got it figured out after some more testing. I will let pull up the site but when I search or a user I took out it does not find them which is what I wanted. I put them back in the allowed group I can go through the SSite. They only thing I don't understand is when I add any group it activates the SSite for all users in the domain?
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