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Password Policy Manager

We have installed the Password Policy Manager on one DC in our organization for testing the Dictionary Rule.  We only want to use that option in the Policy Rules and only to look at the Dictionary after it looks against our AD policies.  The problem I am having is, if I put a password in the dictionary I want to test it will take the password.  I choose a password I know will get past our AD rules but we want it to be stopped when it hits the dictionary.  But, its not.


For the Password Policy Manger to work do we need it installed on all DCs?  The reason I ask is because we have 6 more DCs that do not have the Policy Manager installed on. 


Thank you,


  • Thanks for the reply. I was given this project second hand and just starting my new role as Jr. Sys Admin and I am not sure if I am following you correctly. Please correct me if I am off on the below.

    So if I read this right when we decide to use Quest's Password Policy it will overwrite what we set in AD?

    Complexity Policy do you mean the Password Policy as a whole or just that option in the Policy properties?

    We want to keep our current AD Policy but use the Dictionary Rule of Quest and that is it. None of the other rules do we want to use since we have those already set in AD.

    So what we want from this software is the Self-Service option to unclock from login screen which is kind of working now. And we also want to use dictionary rule alone for Password related information. Can this be done with out messing up AD set Policies.

    Again sorry to sound ignorant but what they were told when they were sold on it does nto seem to be the case other than the ability to unlock your own account from the login screen.
  • Thanks for the reply. I was given this project second hand and just starting my new role as Jr. Sys Admin and I am not sure if I am following you correctly. Please correct me if I am off on the below.

    So if I read this right when we decide to use Quest's Password Policy it will overwrite what we set in AD?

    Complexity Policy do you mean the Password Policy as a whole or just that option in the Policy properties?

    We want to keep our current AD Policy but use the Dictionary Rule of Quest and that is it. None of the other rules do we want to use since we have those already set in AD.

    So what we want from this software is the Self-Service option to unclock from login screen which is kind of working now. And we also want to use dictionary rule alone for Password related information. Can this be done with out messing up AD set Policies.

    Again sorry to sound ignorant but what they were told when they were sold on it does nto seem to be the case other than the ability to unlock your own account from the login screen.
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