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Can anyone confirm KB189892 for PM 5.6.3 SPE is working for them?

We are trying to change the Secure Password Extension wording which is displayed on the logon screen.

It seems not be working for Windows10 and Windows 8.1.

We found the workaround descirbed in

But it does not work in any of our tests...

Can anyone confirm it is working for them?

What are we missing?

  • Hi Jim,
    is it possible the text for "Set the custom description in English" to be set in the Policy is limited?
    We were using a text with a length of 497 characters, which I now changed to something way shorter, like in the example from KB140809, and it worked perfectly.

  • Hi Jim,
    is it possible the text for "Set the custom description in English" to be set in the Policy is limited?
    We were using a text with a length of 497 characters, which I now changed to something way shorter, like in the example from KB140809, and it worked perfectly.

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