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Modify "Forgot My Password" Self-Service

Ok, we are in the process of pushing out the Secure Password extension but they asked if the "Forgot My Password" text to be modified.  Say I lock myself out and I am looking at the screen and all I see is "Forgot My Password".  Well I have not forgotten I just need to unlock it, they want it to be modified so I can and change it to Forgot/Unlock.  We are using 5.6.1 and I can't find anything on that.  Any help would be great.


Thank you,


  • PM adds new button to MSFT native options into Windows Logon Screen (ex-gina). After you Locked PC and got Logon screen, you supported to see the all MSFT options plus PM “Forgot My Password”
    The actual name of the PM Button (string “Forgot My Password”) is set via GPO. PM provides GPO template file and very good description in pdf the manual, how to use it.
  • PM adds new button to MSFT native options into Windows Logon Screen (ex-gina). After you Locked PC and got Logon screen, you supported to see the all MSFT options plus PM “Forgot My Password”
    The actual name of the PM Button (string “Forgot My Password”) is set via GPO. PM provides GPO template file and very good description in pdf the manual, how to use it.
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