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Modify "Forgot My Password" Self-Service

Ok, we are in the process of pushing out the Secure Password extension but they asked if the "Forgot My Password" text to be modified.  Say I lock myself out and I am looking at the screen and all I see is "Forgot My Password".  Well I have not forgotten I just need to unlock it, they want it to be modified so I can and change it to Forgot/Unlock.  We are using 5.6.1 and I can't find anything on that.  Any help would be great.


Thank you,


  • Reading the article, I don't see Policies on the WIN7 machine. Also, do I need to look at the GPO in AD? Because when activating the Policy I am unable to edit it AD, I get an error that I don't have access to that GPO. I am logged it with a DA account.
  • Reading the article, I don't see Policies on the WIN7 machine. Also, do I need to look at the GPO in AD? Because when activating the Policy I am unable to edit it AD, I get an error that I don't have access to that GPO. I am logged it with a DA account.
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