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Modifying Self-Service Home Page

Is there a way to change the verbage on the first page of the Self-Service site when it says "Enter your user name (for example, domain\username or username@domain)"?  We want it to just say Enter your User Name, they may not know what the domain is or means.  It works with just the user name and adding the domain but some users with look at it and have no idea what its asking and end up calling the helpdesk.

  • Hi,

    To change the "Enter your user name ......." test on the self-service page
    - Make a copy of the following file
    “C:\Program Files\Dell\One Identity Password Manager\Web\User\App_Data\LocalizationStorage\en-US\User.xml”
    Do not leave the copied file in the same folder but copy it to another location such as the desktop.
    - Open the file original file in a text editor
    - Edit line 13 with the text you require.
    - Save and close the file.
    - Restart IIS
    - Test that the change has been implemented.

    A few notes:
    - Please make sure that the xml structure of the file is not broken.
    - This file may be updated if Password Manager is upgraded, repaired or if a hotfix is installed.
    - If you have more than one instance of Password Manager running in your environment then you will need to update each instance.

  • You the MAN! Thanks works great.