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SMS - lock user's access to the product after 3 invalid attempts

We have a mixture of Questions and Answers users and SMS (mobile authenticator) users. For our Q&A users, they have 3 attempts at correctly answering their questions before they are locked out from using the software (it does not lock their AD account) which sounds like a great idea.

However, I have yet to find a way to implement the same 'lock out' policy for SMS based users.

Does anyone know how to configure this?

  • Hi Jim

    We have two separate policies, scoped to two separate AD groups. We have Q&A users and SMS users. We are encouring our users to opt in for SMS as they are likely to forget these and end up having to call our helpdesk anyway.

    Is there any other solution, or is it possible to submit a feature request?

  • Hi Jim

    We have two separate policies, scoped to two separate AD groups. We have Q&A users and SMS users. We are encouring our users to opt in for SMS as they are likely to forget these and end up having to call our helpdesk anyway.

    Is there any other solution, or is it possible to submit a feature request?

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