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Helpdesk Scope crossing over Management Policy

We have two Helpdesk teams (internal and outsourced). We want to restrict what workflows the outsourced team are able action on the Helpdesk site.

I have two Management Policies (internal and outsourced) which share a single User Scope (Domain Users). Both Management Policies have the same User Scope (Domain Users).

When I log in as an outsourced helpdesk agent, I am able to complete the workflow that is in the internal Management Policy when I was expecting to only be able to run those in the outsourced Management Policy.

Is it possible to limit what workflow a Helpdesk agent is able to complete, based on their Active Directory group membership?

  • The proposed scenario is very practical and makes sense. Is it supported and tested by Devs? Not sure, and I recommend to confirm it before implementing in Production.
    Workflow-A | Management Policy A
    - AD\QPM_Users_Allow
    - AD\QPM_HelpDesk_A
    Workflow-B | Management Policy B
    - AD\QPM_Users_Allow (same group)
    - AD\QPM_HelpDesk_B
    Both workflows A,B and management policies A,B will have (1) the same encryption key and (2) must have the same in terms of target users (AD\QPM_Users_Allow) Q/A policies etc…
  • It sounds just like what I have configured, but it doesn't work because members of HelpDesk_B are actually presented with the workflows from Management Policy A.

    I don't understand why.