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Reregister Users

Is there away to have already users register with PWM reregister?  We changed our security questions and we want the user that have already registered to redo their questions.

  • 1) after changing User Policy (Q/A etc....) on server side, on client side user logs into his profile will see bar/popup/notification in IE "you must update your current profile" (will need authenticate w/password)
    2) on http//pmadmin you can set to fire email notification reminder to all ad\pm-allow users. (like with enrollment)
  • 1) after changing User Policy (Q/A etc....) on server side, on client side user logs into his profile will see bar/popup/notification in IE "you must update your current profile" (will need authenticate w/password)
    2) on http//pmadmin you can set to fire email notification reminder to all ad\pm-allow users. (like with enrollment)
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