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Reregister Users

Is there away to have already users register with PWM reregister?  We changed our security questions and we want the user that have already registered to redo their questions.

  • Hi,
    i have changed the following setting in my test environment.
    Q&A profile from 2 optional question to 3 that have to be answered.

    I could change my password without answer the optional question. But if i click on my Q&A Profile, i see the missing answered question.
    I also deleted one of my question. I am able to reset my password even if i deleted a question that a user has configured.

    After you have done your changes, you can send the users a message to update their Q&A profile.
  • Hi,
    i have changed the following setting in my test environment.
    Q&A profile from 2 optional question to 3 that have to be answered.

    I could change my password without answer the optional question. But if i click on my Q&A Profile, i see the missing answered question.
    I also deleted one of my question. I am able to reset my password even if i deleted a question that a user has configured.

    After you have done your changes, you can send the users a message to update their Q&A profile.
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