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Reregister Users

Is there away to have already users register with PWM reregister?  We changed our security questions and we want the user that have already registered to redo their questions.

  • 3) change Q&A rules/questions on Server side. E
    nd-user logs into http://PMUser and will see notification/popup "you must update QA profile".
    (I guess) By default, PWM does allow user to proceed ahead with old questions to pass Security door Q&A, in case user forgot his password - to allow minimum impact on end-user (say 10-100K users).
    Another option, I think there is a way to enforce end-user "Updating Q&A (via login with known password)" via email notification and blocking old Q&A profile (to be used as security authentication door).
  • 3) change Q&A rules/questions on Server side. E
    nd-user logs into http://PMUser and will see notification/popup "you must update QA profile".
    (I guess) By default, PWM does allow user to proceed ahead with old questions to pass Security door Q&A, in case user forgot his password - to allow minimum impact on end-user (say 10-100K users).
    Another option, I think there is a way to enforce end-user "Updating Q&A (via login with known password)" via email notification and blocking old Q&A profile (to be used as security authentication door).
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