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PM 4.7 to 5.6 Side-by-Side upgrade. Stored Q&A answers

Hi All,

I've just completed a Side-By-Side upgrade of PM 4.7  to 5.6 as per instructions on the this website.

New version is running on a separate server.

I've done the export from 4.7 and imported into 5.6 without any issues. Domain connections are present and working. Q&A policy has also been imported across.

The issue I have, is that if I logon to the self service site on 5.6, with a user account which has already has a Q&A answers in AD created when using 4.7, it insists on going through the Q&A questions again. I've removed the setting in the User workflow to stop always asking to edit questions, but it still insists on going through the Q&A. 

I've checked the comment attribute in AD for the test user and the field is populated. What have I missed?

Should I have put the new 5.6 service into the existing password realm to ensure continuity?

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Any help would be appreciated.


  • You are correct.
    1. realm = encryption key. By providing in qpm 5.6/Admin website configuration file exported from 4.7/Admin website, you make 5.6 to read Q/A on users w/4.7 profile format after User Profile Update Wizard conversion. (you did it)
    2. Not sure you can see 4.7 in 5.6/ADmin in the same realm (maybe).
    3. After User Profile Update Wizard hits ad user, the user might not be able to use 4.7 (no roll back). here I might be wrong, and maybe user still can use legacy 4.7. In later versions upgrade roll-back is supported and Profile Update Wizard is not needed anymore.
    4. Best Practice. Chose test user, do Profile Upgrade against the test user only to confirm it works w/5.6, while the rest is still using 4.7.
  • You are correct.
    1. realm = encryption key. By providing in qpm 5.6/Admin website configuration file exported from 4.7/Admin website, you make 5.6 to read Q/A on users w/4.7 profile format after User Profile Update Wizard conversion. (you did it)
    2. Not sure you can see 4.7 in 5.6/ADmin in the same realm (maybe).
    3. After User Profile Update Wizard hits ad user, the user might not be able to use 4.7 (no roll back). here I might be wrong, and maybe user still can use legacy 4.7. In later versions upgrade roll-back is supported and Profile Update Wizard is not needed anymore.
    4. Best Practice. Chose test user, do Profile Upgrade against the test user only to confirm it works w/5.6, while the rest is still using 4.7.
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