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PM 4.7 to 5.6 Side-by-Side upgrade. Stored Q&A answers

Hi All,

I've just completed a Side-By-Side upgrade of PM 4.7  to 5.6 as per instructions on the this website.

New version is running on a separate server.

I've done the export from 4.7 and imported into 5.6 without any issues. Domain connections are present and working. Q&A policy has also been imported across.

The issue I have, is that if I logon to the self service site on 5.6, with a user account which has already has a Q&A answers in AD created when using 4.7, it insists on going through the Q&A questions again. I've removed the setting in the User workflow to stop always asking to edit questions, but it still insists on going through the Q&A. 

I've checked the comment attribute in AD for the test user and the field is populated. What have I missed?

Should I have put the new 5.6 service into the existing password realm to ensure continuity?

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Thanks for your response...

    In point 2 of your reply, I think you are right. I don't think a 5.6 instance can be part of a 4.7 realm.

    I've tried numerous times to try and get my new 5.6 instance to join the existing 4.7 realm, but whenever I do, 4.7 won't show the 5.6 instance and vice versa.

    Using Migration Wizard, running as the service account, exported the configuration of the existing 4.7 instance. Built new 5.6 instance on separate server, used the export from 4.7 to initialize the 5.6 instance into the realm. In the realm list, it only shows it's own instance. Is there a way to confirm that it's part of a realm?

    I haven't had much experience with password manager, so reference point 4 in your reply, how does one do a profile upgrade?

    Thanks, Steve
  • Thanks for your response...

    In point 2 of your reply, I think you are right. I don't think a 5.6 instance can be part of a 4.7 realm.

    I've tried numerous times to try and get my new 5.6 instance to join the existing 4.7 realm, but whenever I do, 4.7 won't show the 5.6 instance and vice versa.

    Using Migration Wizard, running as the service account, exported the configuration of the existing 4.7 instance. Built new 5.6 instance on separate server, used the export from 4.7 to initialize the 5.6 instance into the realm. In the realm list, it only shows it's own instance. Is there a way to confirm that it's part of a realm?

    I haven't had much experience with password manager, so reference point 4 in your reply, how does one do a profile upgrade?

    Thanks, Steve
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