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Different management policies for Intranet and Extranet

Hello all,

I have the below case and i need your help on if it is possible and if yes how.

Can i have 2 management policies with the same user scope and when a user login from the internet to run management policy 1 and when he is inside the company's network to run management policy 2. This way i can have to completely different policies independent from each other.

I know that i can build a custom activity and with scripting i can say that if the user came from an ip then don't show the captcha and if he came from show the captcha.

But i would like to have two separate management policies in order to have two Q&A policies that can be completely different.

Is that possible?

Thank you.

  • Hello Aidar,

    Just what i thought. Indeed #2 is a possible solution that i had suggested to the customer also but as you too said it's not a nice approach.

    I'll try to go with the custom activity and maybe submit a request to support.

    Thanks a lot.
  • Hello Aidar,

    Just what i thought. Indeed #2 is a possible solution that i had suggested to the customer also but as you too said it's not a nice approach.

    I'll try to go with the custom activity and maybe submit a request to support.

    Thanks a lot.
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