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What is the format, guidelines, conventions, path and query formats for Quest Password manager Restful APIs?

once the Workflow is enabled for web services and there are URLs generated- how are those leveraged ?

  • That’s very interesting question. Just an idea.
    PM Web Service to be used to bridge from non-windows originating platform (say HR portal) to make a call and pass activity to PM down the road.
    In case, your originating platform is windows based, maybe it worth consider PS1 scripting to talk to PM server (if necessary PM cmdlet library is available)
    I never done it, and it is pure ‘theoretical’ statement.
  • That’s very interesting question. Just an idea.
    PM Web Service to be used to bridge from non-windows originating platform (say HR portal) to make a call and pass activity to PM down the road.
    In case, your originating platform is windows based, maybe it worth consider PS1 scripting to talk to PM server (if necessary PM cmdlet library is available)
    I never done it, and it is pure ‘theoretical’ statement.
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