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Service Unavailable when accessing Self-Service Site

I am having issues with some users not being able to access the self-service site from the link at the lock screen.  I have Secure Extension installed and these users were able to access the site before.  Now when they click the link the page tries to load and they get a "Service Unavailable" error.  If I have the user login into the computer and access the site from the "Programs" location it works fine.  Any ideas?

Thank you,


  • 1. recommended to set URL on Windows Logon Screen via GPO hit the client$ (PC, laptop). The URL = http:// to be resolved in DNS (internal, external facing) to appropriate PWM Self-Service website
    2. Login to the PC$, open IE and access PWM website explicitly (as a troubleshooting step)

  • GPO is configured and has been for quite sometime, like I said these users can access the site if going directly through IE not the lock screen. Might not be a PWM issue could be PC related since other users are not having an issue. Just wondered if anybody else has seen this issue.