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Powershell Custom web services (Password Manager 5.7)

 I have implemented custom web services to generate a passcode. Two different methods (reset password, unlock account) will use this passcode.

The script code is slightly the same as described in the SDK.

I have developed and tested the webservices in a native AD environment. The following URLs will work fine:


But the same webservices  in a AD LDS will not work. An error occured while the codeline "$connection = $global.GetDirectoryConnectionByName($domain)" is executed.

The variable $domain contains the value for the connected domain to PWM.



I don't know where is is the error. A service request was not helpful, the answer was "We do not support the SDK or any of the sample scripts "


Here is the complete powershell scriptcode:


try {

#Passcode length

#Passcode lifetime in minutes
$PASSCODE_LIFETIME = 1440 #(1 day)

#Uncomment these lines to send e-mail to a user, if he has e-mail address
#Variable $PASSCODE will contain user's passcode, all other variables are available too
#$EMAIL_SUBJECT = 'Passcode'
#$EMAIL_BODY = 'Your passcode is $PASSCODE'

#Set this parameter to $true to produce a more verbose XML-formatted output
#Set this parameter to $false to output just a passcode

#----------Web service body----------

$log = @()
#Parse request parameters - domain and user name
$domain = $Request.QueryString["domain"]
$userName = $Request.QueryString["user"]
$requestType = $Request.QueryString["request"]

#If parameters are missing, throw an exception
if ("$domain" -eq "") {
    throw "Domain not specified!"
if ("$userName" -eq "") {
    throw "User name not specified!"
if ("$requestType" -eq "") {
    throw "Request type not specified!"

#Obtain Password Manager connection to the specified domain
$connection = $global.GetDirectoryConnectionByName($domain)

#If there is none, throw an exception
if ("$connection" -eq "") {
    throw "Connection to domain $domain not found in Password Manager!"
$log += "Found connection to domain $domain, alias=$($connection.AliasName)"

#Find user by name in the specified domain
#$user = $global.GetUserByName($connection, $userName, [string[]]("objectGUID", "mail"))

#Find user by mail in the specified Domain
$userattribute = 'mail'
$user = $global.GetUserByAttribute($connection, $userattribute,  $userName, [string[]]("objectGUID", "mail", "samaccountname","description"))

#If user not found, throw an exception
if ($user -eq $null) {
    throw "User $userName not found in domain $domain!"

$log += "Found user $userName in domain $domain, GUID=$($user.objectGUID)"

#Obtain user's GUID
$userId = $user.objectGUID

#Generate a passcode for a user
$PASSCODE= $global.GeneratePasscode($PASSCODE_LENGTH)
$log += "Generated passcode $PASSCODE"

#Assign passcode to a user
$global.QAProfileAssignPasscode($connection, $userId, $passcode, $PASSCODE_LIFETIME)
$log += "Passcode assigned to user $userName"

if ($EMAIL_SUBJECT -ne "" -and $EMAIL_BODY -ne "")
    #Send e-mail with passcode, if user has an e-mail address
    if ($user.mail -ne "")
        $log +="Sending passcode to $($user.mail)"
        $subject = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($EMAIL_SUBJECT)
        $body = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($EMAIL_BODY)
        $global.EmailUserHtml($mail, $subject, $body)
        $log +="User account has no mail, will not send e-mail with passcode"
$log += "Passcode assignment completed successfully"

#$URL = "localhost/.../EntryPoint + $userName + "&IdentificationDomain=" + $Domain + "&WorkflowId=EA71182A-AD10-4A0B-AD1D-E1E7BC9331B8&Passcode=" + $passcode
#URL to use the passcode to generate a temp Password and Change it in Domain without workflow
#$URL = "localhost/.../uc +$userName + "&domain=" +$Domain  + "&passcode=" + $passcode

if ("$requestType" -eq "unlock") {
    $URL = "localhost/.../ua +$userName + "&domain=" +$Domain  + "&passcode=" + $passcode

if ("$requestType" -eq "reset") {
    $URL = "localhost/.../rpt +$userName + "&domain=" +$Domain  + "&passcode=" + $passcode

if ("$requestType" -ne "unlock" -and "$requestType" -ne "reset")  {
    throw "Request type: $requestType unknown!"

$log += $URL

#Output response
if ($XML) {
    #Set Content-Type header to XML for XML output
    $Response.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "text/xml")
    #Generate an XML document
    $doc = [xml]"<Response><Passcode/><Log/></Response>"
    $doc.Response.Passcode = $PASSCODE

    $logElement = $doc.SelectSingleNode("//Log")
    $log | %{
        $entry = $doc.CreateElement("Entry")
        $entry.InnerText = $_
    #Output response
    #Set Content-Type header to plain text for output
    $Response.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "text/plain")

    #Output passcode

} catch {

$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
$Response.Write($ErrorMessage + " " + $FailedItem)

  • The following error occurs:
    Connection to domain cn=generic,dc=iam,dc=local not found in Password Manager!
  • Hi Ronny,

    I am using the CustomSMS sdk coding, where I will not be manage to send the SMS gateway directly as they don't have the Mail to SMS function.

    So I need to pass the the inputs which the user gives in Self service page like UserName, PhoneNumber, Passcode and Message to a middleware tool then the tool process to send sms to the user. I believe there are in-built web service endpoints.



    As per the screenshot I selected only one task "Phone Authentication - Select the phone number", I need to pass the output to the middleware tool for processing.

    Any showers how i will do or where I can see the output or any other best way.

    Kindly advice.


