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Options for 2 factor auth. via SMS/call besides standard, expensive gateway?

Hello Experts,

I am looking for a solution to send OTP via SMS or Call on a pay per use basis.

Any provider you are successfully using? Any guideline how to implement? Do I have to use CustomSMS()?



  • We implemented two custom activities within the workflows - one pulls a user's mobile\email attribute and asks them where to send their OTP and generates the OTP (valid for 60 minutes) the second does the validation and allows them to move forward to the action of pw reset, account unlock, account enable. All happens after they successfully answer all required Q&A questions. These are both custom Powershell Scripts.
  • We implemented two custom activities within the workflows - one pulls a user's mobile\email attribute and asks them where to send their OTP and generates the OTP (valid for 60 minutes) the second does the validation and allows them to move forward to the action of pw reset, account unlock, account enable. All happens after they successfully answer all required Q&A questions. These are both custom Powershell Scripts.
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