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How to connect to a DMZ AD Domain

I am currently connected to multiple AD domain inside the firewall. 

How do I connect to a AD domain in the DMZ? Is there a checklist or document which describes what port need to be opened and how to configure it.



  • I understand the question in the following way.
    INTRANET: AD/DCs, PWM01 Admin Service Server, SQL\PM db, SSRS are here protected by FW.
    INTERNET\DMZ: IIS\PMW02 website pointing to PWM01 ADmin Service via FW port open between DMZ<=>INTRANET and specified during install of the website. There is no DMZ\PWM ADmin Service in DMZ for security reasons.
  • I understand the question in the following way.
    INTRANET: AD/DCs, PWM01 Admin Service Server, SQL\PM db, SSRS are here protected by FW.
    INTERNET\DMZ: IIS\PMW02 website pointing to PWM01 ADmin Service via FW port open between DMZ<=>INTRANET and specified during install of the website. There is no DMZ\PWM ADmin Service in DMZ for security reasons.
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