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Email Reminders

We are running Identity Password Manager and we have a user that has reported that she has not received the email reminder to change her password. How can I check to see if the email was sent? Also, is there a way to send a test email to the one user?



  • (maybe)
    option1) have a AD\test user in AD\PWM-Allow group and see that he gets the email (add the new AD\test user to the group - and overnight PWM scheduled notification job (on PWM Server)is supposed to trigger email to the newly onboarded user)
    option2) create a separate PWM Workflow-Test with separate AD\PWM-Allow-Test group on production PWM Server.
  • (maybe)
    option1) have a AD\test user in AD\PWM-Allow group and see that he gets the email (add the new AD\test user to the group - and overnight PWM scheduled notification job (on PWM Server)is supposed to trigger email to the newly onboarded user)
    option2) create a separate PWM Workflow-Test with separate AD\PWM-Allow-Test group on production PWM Server.
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