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Self service site configured incorrectly.

 I have installed SPE on Win7 SP1 desktop. When i click on the "FOrgot my password" at the Window logon screeen, error message appears. The error is Service is unavailable, Pls ensure the self service site is configured correctly." How to resolve this?thks

  • i manually installed the SPE to the client instead of thru the GPO, is it possible to do manual or we must push down thru GPO?
    where does the template reside in the SPE client so that i can manually copy to the location.
    The GPO is configured in the AD/DC right?
  • i manually installed the SPE to the client instead of thru the GPO, is it possible to do manual or we must push down thru GPO?
    where does the template reside in the SPE client so that i can manually copy to the location.
    The GPO is configured in the AD/DC right?
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