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SPE Customization Options...

Hello guys,

I have a client that is requesting some additional customization to the SPE UI than I have done previously.


They would like to change the "If you forgot you passowrd...." paragraph, perhaps remove it completely.

They would like to add an underline to the 'Win8 SS Custom Text' to make the fact that it is a link more clear.

They would like to be able to change the icons for the sign in and sign in options so they are not both keys.  I have seen documentation on this in the PDF on the install media, but have not been succesful changing the icons in my enviroment.


Are these changes possible? Has anyone tackled these before?


Thank you for your help.

-Kyle Wash

  • considerations:
    1. SPE on PC Client is managed by AD GPO pushed on the PC client. GPO template (something like PWM_gina.admx) is provided with PWM install. PWM Admin Guide.pdf explains it very well.
    2. Please be aware of differences and potential issues on different clients (W7 vs. W8, W10 etc.) in the forum there was many replies from Support team on varios KB's
  • considerations:
    1. SPE on PC Client is managed by AD GPO pushed on the PC client. GPO template (something like PWM_gina.admx) is provided with PWM install. PWM Admin Guide.pdf explains it very well.
    2. Please be aware of differences and potential issues on different clients (W7 vs. W8, W10 etc.) in the forum there was many replies from Support team on varios KB's
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