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Password Manager Schedule Tasks modifications possible?



I'm looking to modify the scheduled task for password expiration notifications, instead of a straight countdown, from X days, to a notification at 30 days, one at 14 days, then a daily from 7 days on. My first thought was to create additional schedule tasks for the one time reminders, then one for the countdown.  I do not see an option to create a scheduled task.


Has anyone else ran into this request?  How is it recommended to satisfy this?


Thank you,


  • Hi Kyle,

    Unfortunately you cannot control this functionality using scheduled tasks. However we do have an enhancement request in the pipeline for this feature. The change request number is 667146. As with all enhancement requests this will have to be reviewed for inclusion in a future release of Password Manager by our product management team.
    I would suggest that you open a service request and ask the support engineer to add the SR to the change request referencing the number above.


    Jim C.
  • Hi Kyle,

    Unfortunately you cannot control this functionality using scheduled tasks. However we do have an enhancement request in the pipeline for this feature. The change request number is 667146. As with all enhancement requests this will have to be reviewed for inclusion in a future release of Password Manager by our product management team.
    I would suggest that you open a service request and ask the support engineer to add the SR to the change request referencing the number above.


    Jim C.
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