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Replace nFront by PWM PPM (Password Complexity Manager)?

Customer wants to replace nFront Solution for AD users Password Policy Complexity by PWM PPM (Password Policy Manager).

Will legacy nFront solution for Password Complexity AD GPO interfere with PWM PPM module?

nFront install. On each DC, nFront solution consists of 3 programs installed in Programs and 3 nFront services running on each DC.

PWM PPM install. PMW PPM module is to be deployed on each DC.

Anybody got any experience with deploying PWM PPM on top / or replacing nFront?

I do not know about the 3rd party nFront application. My first idea to replace nFront first, but it is a quit Change Control against all DC (!) and create challenges on the PWM project logistics.

  • update.
    Lab. Uninstall nFront on DC shows message like “Password.dll is locked. Reboot is required”. It seems like nFront using the same MSFT technology to feed rules inside DC | lsass/password.dll as PWM does. Therefore full uninstall of nFront from all DC is required, because nFront would interfere with PWM PPM.
    Step1) Remove nFront. Remove nFront GPO and uninstall nFront from all DC. Reboot DC.
    Step2) Push PWM PPM (PPM.MSI and GPO) on top of “clean” DC’s without nFront
  • update.
    Lab. Uninstall nFront on DC shows message like “Password.dll is locked. Reboot is required”. It seems like nFront using the same MSFT technology to feed rules inside DC | lsass/password.dll as PWM does. Therefore full uninstall of nFront from all DC is required, because nFront would interfere with PWM PPM.
    Step1) Remove nFront. Remove nFront GPO and uninstall nFront from all DC. Reboot DC.
    Step2) Push PWM PPM (PPM.MSI and GPO) on top of “clean” DC’s without nFront
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