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Question & Answer Policy Case Sensitivity question...


Is there a way to disable/enable case sensitivity to Question & Answer responses?

Thank you,


  • I understand your point of view; however I do use Q/A profiles on other sites including banking where case does not matter. I only have Q/A profiles setup on 5 other systems so that comparison is biased. When you have 30, 000 users in Password Manager with varying levels of English Comprehension you're generating a lot of passcodes because of case sensitivity for Q/A. It would be nice to turn this feature off, when you're generating 100 passcodes a day because of this you'd likely agree.
  • I understand your point of view; however I do use Q/A profiles on other sites including banking where case does not matter. I only have Q/A profiles setup on 5 other systems so that comparison is biased. When you have 30, 000 users in Password Manager with varying levels of English Comprehension you're generating a lot of passcodes because of case sensitivity for Q/A. It would be nice to turn this feature off, when you're generating 100 passcodes a day because of this you'd likely agree.
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