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Dictionary.txt replication



I'm about to install QPM and deploy Password Policy Manager on 20 odd Domain Controllers. I'm reading up the QPPM documentation where it says while deploying QPPM, the agent installer creates the dictionary.txt on Sysvol effectively replicating it to other DCs. So, I have few questions:


1) If I edit the dictionary.txt on QPM server, will that not copy the changes to the dictionary.txt stored on the domain controller and secondary QPM server?

2) Will updating the file on one DC makes sures other DCs/QPM server gets a replicated copy?

Alternatively, can I point the dictionary.txt file to a folder share instead of a location on the local server itself? That way, both QPM servers sees the changes at the same time?

  • Q1) If I edit the dictionary.txt on QPM server, will that not copy the changes to the dictionary.txt stored on the domain controller and secondary QPM server?
    A1) If you edit the dictionary.txt through the PMAdmin site that will copy the changes to the DC and which will be visible through the secondary server.

    Q2) Will updating the file on one DC makes sures other DCs/QPM server gets a replicated copy?
    A1) Since the file is stored in sysvol any changes will be replicated to the DC's

    Q3) Alternatively, can I point the dictionary.txt file to a folder share instead of a location on the local server itself? That way, both QPM servers sees the changes at the same time?
    A2) Unfortunately the location of the dictionary file should remain under the sysvol location
  • Q1) If I edit the dictionary.txt on QPM server, will that not copy the changes to the dictionary.txt stored on the domain controller and secondary QPM server?
    A1) If you edit the dictionary.txt through the PMAdmin site that will copy the changes to the DC and which will be visible through the secondary server.

    Q2) Will updating the file on one DC makes sures other DCs/QPM server gets a replicated copy?
    A1) Since the file is stored in sysvol any changes will be replicated to the DC's

    Q3) Alternatively, can I point the dictionary.txt file to a folder share instead of a location on the local server itself? That way, both QPM servers sees the changes at the same time?
    A2) Unfortunately the location of the dictionary file should remain under the sysvol location
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