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Password Manager support a non-Microsoft operating system

Can Password Manager support a non-Microsoft operating system (i.e, Linux), if so, how is this accomplished?

  • The Password Manager service is designed to run on a Windows operating system only using either AD or ADLDS. If you use the Secure Password Extension or the Offline Password Reset agent on client computers then these must be on a supported Windows OS as well. However on a Linux computer or a Mac you can use Password Manager by simply entering the URL of your Password Manager service into a web browser but your users must be in AD or ADLDS and not in a Linux / Unix database.

    Jim C.
  • The Password Manager service is designed to run on a Windows operating system only using either AD or ADLDS. If you use the Secure Password Extension or the Offline Password Reset agent on client computers then these must be on a supported Windows OS as well. However on a Linux computer or a Mac you can use Password Manager by simply entering the URL of your Password Manager service into a web browser but your users must be in AD or ADLDS and not in a Linux / Unix database.

    Jim C.
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