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DMZ Self service error version 5.7.1

Hi Experts,

I have installed self service page in DMZ zone for https and the customer configured the certificate. 

When I try to browse I get the Java script/ cookies error. I had gone through the below knowledge post but still no luck.

Please advice. Thanks



Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Stephen,

    Yes, http in DMZ works fine.

    All I did, network team opened the port 8081 for corporate and DMZ network. Then I installed the self service in DMZ and initialized.

    Certificate is managed by F5, I did not install any certificate on server.



  • Just to confirm are you using the new certificate for https as well as when initializing the site from the DMZ? 

    If so, you need to make sure the certificate on the Password Manager Administration site matches the one used when initializing the site.  Within the PMAdmin site-> general settings-> Reinitialization tab

    The certificate listed in the initialization page is not for https, rather its used for encryption of the data between the DMZ server and the Password Manager service server.

