Secure Password Extension Description on Windows 10 Login Page

Hi All, 

I just installed the SPE on my window 10 client PC. When I click Sign-in Option, it will show description and ask me to click "Open the Password Self-Service Site".  

Can I modify the words in description or delete it. Also, can I modify "Open the Password Self-Service Site" to "Forget Password"?



  • Kelvin, Were you able to find a fix to customize?

    Hello Experts,

    I see the option to customize the link using the admx template for GPO. I'm not able to get this to function correctly. Is there a defect in this version?

    We had the ability to change the display in Win 7 version.

    Thanks, Lu

  • Kelvin, Were you able to find a fix to customize?

    Hello Experts,

    I see the option to customize the link using the admx template for GPO. I'm not able to get this to function correctly. Is there a defect in this version?

    We had the ability to change the display in Win 7 version.

    Thanks, Lu

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