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Identification failed. No matching accounts have been found. Check your user name and try again.

I noticed the below error when some of new users trying to register to Password manager version (4.7)

Identification failed.

 No matching accounts have been found. Check your user name and try again.
Users are part of groups who are allowed to access the self-service site but they keep getting the "identification failed message".
From the below error message i assume it is unable to fetch user data from AD.

Below are the some of errors I noticed in the QPM log.

 GetAccountOptions(), error: hRes: :80072030,”

GetChallengeOptions(Domain + Account + AD)==80072030

ADsGetLastError: :0x208D, 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-0315270B, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:  'CN=Password Settings Container,CN=System,DC=XXXX,DC=YYYY,DC=com'



  • First off, Password Manager 4.7 was End of Life as of July 2014. I highly recommend upgrading.

    In regards to this issue, are the users also in the groups that are not allowed access?

    Can you confirm whether or not you have Read-Only DCs? Do you have 2012/2012 R2 DCs?
    If so, 4.7 does not support 2012 or RODCs.

    No user information is stored in the Password Manager database. It's only used for Reporting features. Password Manager pulls information directly from AD.
  • First off, Password Manager 4.7 was End of Life as of July 2014. I highly recommend upgrading.

    In regards to this issue, are the users also in the groups that are not allowed access?

    Can you confirm whether or not you have Read-Only DCs? Do you have 2012/2012 R2 DCs?
    If so, 4.7 does not support 2012 or RODCs.

    No user information is stored in the Password Manager database. It's only used for Reporting features. Password Manager pulls information directly from AD.
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