Customize Logon page "Find User" 5.13.1


I need to customize the logon page for the new SelfService site. I had the update in the previous version PMUser. Then PMUser site used the user.xml located here...
C:\Program Files\One Identity\Password Manager\Web\User\App_Data\LocalizationStorage\en-US 

I had that customized but now moving to 5.13.1 and need to make the same updates there. I have some instructions for my employees posted there.
I got the previous instructions from...

Any help is appreciated.



  • I was able to figure out how to update the front page with some text. Here is how...

    Update en-US.json located at: C:\Program Files\One Identity\Password Manager\Web\SelfService\assets\i18n 

    "FIND_USER": "New Employees: Please refer to the New Hire IT Guide sent by your Onboarding Representative.",

    I however need to bold the first part to stand out. Does anyone know how I can possibly do this?

    Thank you,


  • I was able to figure out how to update the front page with some text. Here is how...

    Update en-US.json located at: C:\Program Files\One Identity\Password Manager\Web\SelfService\assets\i18n 

    "FIND_USER": "New Employees: Please refer to the New Hire IT Guide sent by your Onboarding Representative.",

    I however need to bold the first part to stand out. Does anyone know how I can possibly do this?

    Thank you,

