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Is it possible to amend the text at the end of a workflow?

Is it possible to amend the text at the end of a given workflow? For example, when a user resets their password or unlocks their account, it is not clear as to what the user needs to do next, i.e. "you may now close this window". I've seen the "Common" and "User" xml files in C:\Program Files\Dell\One Identity Password Manager\Web\User\App_Data\LocalizationStorage\en-US but can't find this anywhere.

Does anyone have any idea?

  • Hi Christian,

    Password Manager does not have an interface where an Administrator can easily change the text found on the 3 websites that service users. Each site has a corresponding xml document that contains the text used for all web pages within password Manager.
    All 3 websites by default are located in %ProgramFiles% | Dell |One Identity Password Manager | Web |
    The text for each site is located under the above path in:
    ..\User\App_Data\Localization Storage\%language%\User.xml
    ..\Helpdesk\App_Data\Localization Storage\%language%\Helpdesk.xml
    ..\Admin\App_Data\Localization Storage\%language%\Admin.xml

    1.) Backup file by performing a simple file copy and store the backup somewhere else besides the Password Manager folder structure.
    2.) Right click the xml file and select ‘Edit’
    3.) Copy the text from the website that you’d like to change
    4.) Perform a find function in the editor of the xml file and paste in the text is going to be changed
    5.) Save the xml file
    6.) Restart IIS (iisreset on the command line)
    7.) Restart the internet browser
    8.) Launch internet browser and navigate to your customized page
    It is very important to remember that IIS needs to be restarted and the internet browser should be re-launched to see the changes made to the corresponding xml file.

    Jim Casey
  • Hi Jim

    I have looked through those XML files but can't seem to find where "Your password was successfully reset" comes from, or how I can add another sentence to the end of it:



    I just want to add another sentence along the lines of "you can now close this web page" so the user knows what to do next. Any idea where I might add that line?


  • Hi Christian,


    I took a slightly different approach. In the User.xml file I searched for "Notification was send to your email." (it appears 4 times) and appended it with the following text "You may now close this window.".

    The text you are looking for is in C:\Program Files\Dell\One Identity Password Manager\Web\Admin\HelpFiles\en-US\AG_SelfService_Workflow.15.11.htm.

    If you make any edits to this file then you will have manage your own change history since this file will be replacesd during an upgrade, re-install or possibly if a hotfix is applied.




  • the request makes sense. Unfortunately the product does not support such a customization OOB (unless it is mentioned in SDK?).
    I would recommend to open SR.
    Limitation: after upgrade you need to redo all XML files again.
  • Hi Jim

    In the directory for the HelpFiles, there are a lot of the same files, ending in different 'version' numbers. What are these numbers? I edited the fiel 15.11 as you mentioned, then restarted the service and ran an iisreset but the changes were not visible.
    I suspect it is one of the other files I need to amend, but what is the convention?

  • Thanks, I fully understand that these customisations will be lost and have no warranty.
  • Hi Christian,

    Looks like I gave you the file location to change the "Your password was successfully changed" text instead of "Your password was successfully reset" text. The correct file is C:\Program Files\Dell\One Identity Password Manager\Service\Resources\LocalizationStorage\en-US\Service.xml
    There are three occurrences of your text in that file. You're looking for the second one on line 280. I've tested it and it works. You will need to restart the PM service to enable it.
    As for your question about the file convention, I really don't know what logic the developers have applied.

    Hope this helps.
