configuring windows assets that are DC

my specific question is: 

is it possible to configure in safeguard some windows servers that are also Domain Controller (slave of a unique domain) and access on it with classic RDP session?

a customer has many sites and every site has the own windows server where there is a replica of the AD master

all the system administrators have to access on all these windows server in a classic way even if they are Domain Controller function.

Is it possible? in which way?

so, i configured in safeguard one asset like "Active Directory" (choosing under the "Product", in adding asset, Active Directory) to manage the users, and the directory accounts and so on and all other windows server (domain controller slave) i want to configure and want only be able to access on it in a classic way (RDP session) even if they have the domain controller service.

i tried to configure these like normal "windows server" but at the moment to try check connection i get this error.

"Asset RUMOSVMS009-PR is a Domain controller. A domain account is required to manage this asset"

if i try a check password i get this:

Asset CNHAKVMS009-PR is a Domain controller. The 'CheckPassword' operation cannot be run on a domain controller.

how can i solve it? i am going creazy


  • there are two assets there is AD, and to add them you have to make sure that your SPP can DNSlookup the domain name of the active directory with specifying the domain controllers for these active directories, and secondly there is adding the Domain controller servers themselves, to add a domain controller servers you have to make sure that you are choosing an Active directory account with enough privileges to sign into the domain controllers regular users won't be able to sign to domain controllers but workstations only. 

  • there are two assets there is AD, and to add them you have to make sure that your SPP can DNSlookup the domain name of the active directory with specifying the domain controllers for these active directories, and secondly there is adding the Domain controller servers themselves, to add a domain controller servers you have to make sure that you are choosing an Active directory account with enough privileges to sign into the domain controllers regular users won't be able to sign to domain controllers but workstations only. 

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